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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Bunny's newest Surprise

All This Green Stuff...

Just last year, towards the end of August, Bunny gave us a little Surprise, in the form of a baby. So knowing it had only been about 10 months, I didn't expect her to have another one for a few more months...especially since she is half La Mancha, which is a milk goat and they usually only have babies once a year. Boer goats can have them 3 times in 18 months I've heard...so it seems the Boer in her is coming out, because this last weekend she gave us another (even cuter) Surprise!! She never gives us any sign that she is about to kid, and is fat most of the time...so knowing if it's good eating or baby is hard to decide.

Mother And Child

Here is Bunny and her new little boy (of COURSE it's a boy, it's one of those "boy" years!) coming outside, for the first time since he was born. He stayed with Mom instead of playing with the other two youngsters, but I'm sure in a few days they will all get together and play.

Chuck Norris....

Speaking of the other two, they were sure playing together a lot yesterday! They love the dirt pile, like all of the babies have, and I managed to catch a few jumps...although not as many as I would have liked, since my camera was doing something odd. They were playing on the dirt pile, then all of a sudden, they took off towards the barn...


...at a dead run and then the oldest one decided to jump over the weeds. It was so funny watching them.

We have really had our babies come just right this year. I love that we had three early in the year, then it waited a little, then we had more....then some more waiting....then more babies. It makes it so they are spread out and I can have fun watching some most of the time, because by the time the youngest ones get old enough that they don't jump around playing as much, we have ended up having more. I'm afraid that HAS to be at an end now, because I think most of the goats have kidded this year, but still I've had a great time watching our babies this year.

Bunny's Cutie

Here is our newest one again, he is already tasting the green stuff. He is to young to really eat it yet, but it will come. Do I dare say it? You know...what I almost always say...."He is just SOOO cute!!" *giggle* He really is, although I know I sound like a broken record. ROFL What can I say...I'm in love with baby goats!

Well I'll stop rambling for now, just wanted to share some more of our cuties! Need to go do a few things since we were gone today. Take Care out there!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew that baby goats could be so darn cute!... Because he is ADORABLE! :)


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