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Friday, June 26, 2009

What a week...

All three of the newest babies

This week has been something else. Good and bad, and all enough to make it impossible for me to scrap. We of course did the hay Monday and Tuesday and no it didn't take me till now to recover from it, I had hoped to scrap on Wed and post...but I just couldn't get in the mood because I was upset about loosing some goats to the heat.

One of our older nannies (bossy) died as well as a couple of the "bottle babies" and I was upset about it but it made it worse that one of the babies was one that would hang around me when we were out with them even when DH was there...usually most of them went to him but the little brown ones seemed to like me enough to stay by my side, instead of going to him for attention...even though he was the one who would feed them most of the time. *cry* So Wed I just couldn't get into scrapping. As you can see from this story in the paper here, there have been a lot of cattle deaths from the heat this week too...it's been way to hot, especially after having a nice cool spring, it just seemed to get really hot fast!

I did go out on Wed and enjoy watching the three newest babies in the morning before it got hot, play on the goat playground. That always brings a smile to my face, even if I'm sad. :)

Playing before the heat of the day

Yesterday we were gone doing our shopping for July, because DH had a Dr appointment, so I wanted to combine that and the shopping....to save on gas. We were gone ALL day, so that pretty much shot yesterday and today I've been doing catch up and lots of little jobs around the house so....once again this week didn't see any scraping done. LOL

We had time time yesterday (because we left early so we would) to go to the rose garden they have by the Zoo in Lincoln so I could get some photo's of the flowers. I got some that are pretty...although I hope to go back sometime when they are in a blooming frenzy, and not just at the end of one. It was pretty and I thought the little fountain they had in the middle of it was cute.

Fountain at the rose garden

The sunken Gardens is right across the street from the rose garden, and one of these years I'm going to have to go visit it too. I've lived in Nebraska for several years now and have only drove by it, never stopped and enjoyed it.

After we finished looking at all the pretty flowers we went to the health food store to see if they had anymore of this...

I found this yummy dried (crispy dried) fruit from Sensible Foods at the health food store a while back and fell in love. They have different flavors but I love, Love, LOVE the berry one. It has blue berries, strawberries, Cherry's and apples in it and is to die for. I just wish I could afford to have it around ALL the time, a package a day would make a wonderful healthy snack that was yummy too.

I have a habit of picking through things when I get them and eating the different fruits separate, but once I learned to just dump it in my mouth as I get it I discovered it made it that much better. I love tasting them separate, but together they are even sweeter and stronger tasting. The bad part about it is the health food store doesn't always have it...and this time was no exception. I don't really want to have to order it from Sensible Foods...although maybe I'll have to do that sometime, if I want to be sure and get some. If we made it to Lincoln more often, we could have them get some in and they would let us know when they did and hold some for us, but since we don't "usually" make that many trips a month up there, it's kinda hard to do that. Last month we had several Dr appointments...but that's not usually the case. :)

Anyway, it's been another busy week here. A little bit sad but all in all another good week because I'm blessed with my wonderful hubby and our farm. I hope you all have a great weekend! Take Care...I have to run or supper will be late! LOL


  1. Heck - I've lived in Nebraska most of my life - and didn't even know the Sunken Garden EXISTED! Drove by them hundreds of times without knowing....

  2. Sorry about your goats, it has been hot here but you have had it hotter over there.

    I always enjoyed visiting the Sunken Gardens, when I was young and we were visiting Grandma Olson in Lincoln.



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