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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our new additions

Looking around

Here we are, living on a farm, and I never really wanted cows since I prefer goats and their cute entertaining ways. However DH wanted a cow and since I do like to eat beef and would love to be able to make my own butter (since I haven't mastered it with goat milk yet) I finally came around to agreeing it might be nice to have one.

That's when the trouble started...what kind to get and how to afford one had to be figured out. We finally decided that our first choice would be a Jersey...but then almost had a heart attach at the prices we saw for them. (or rather I did...but remember I'm a cheapskate!) I really wanted to get one who was older and already milking...but there was no way we could afford that anytime soon so we almost gave up the idea till sometime next year. Then a friend called and told us she had a young heifer she would sell us and would throw in a blind calf...and the price wasn't to bad so we couldn't pass it up. She wasn't a Jersey but was a white faced Hereford (Ok she has a touch of Charolais in her too...but not much.) which our Grandparents had had (and even milked) many years ago so we thought we would give her a try since she was easier for us to afford.

New Cow

This little one needs some taming down, but we have time to get her that way before she will be old enough to breed so hopefully we can also get her so she will let us milk her. True she isn't a "milk cow" really...least not to most people, however she should have milk, once she has a baby....so who's to say we couldn't make her think she is a milk cow? LOL I just don't know how easy it's going to be to make myself get as comfortable around a cow as I am around goats but I guess I will do my best.

Meeting for the first time

The goats were funny to watch when the cows first arrived. We put them in the pasture with our milk goats, and when the goats heard us they came running and then saw the cows and stood back watching them. They worried more about the little heifer than the blind calf...but maybe because she looked back at them and the blind one just continued eating the grass and ignored them. I'm sure they will get used to them like they did the dogs, but it will take a little while. Course I'm not sure what they will think when the cows grow to be lots bigger than they themselves are. *giggle*

New Cow

Anyway, this one is going to be the most spoiled I think, since she is going to be around the longest...hopefully anyway. We don't have a name for her yet although DH says he was thinking about Queen....but I'm not sold on that name yet...anyone have any ideas? The lady we got her from has been calling her sis, but I don't really like that either. LOL She needs a real name.

Eating time

Here she is this morning eating her grain with the other calf. They sure are slow eaters and probably seem especially so after being used to the goats who inhale their grain. I think her white eyelashes are kinda cute so she may grow on me yet. *giggle*

The black one is not a breed I'd choose to have (he is mostly Angus I think), but since he was the "blind calf" that came with the one we wanted I don't guess it matters. He will be in our freezer sometime next year if we are lucky. Our friend called the black one "stevie" but THAT name won't stick either...we will come up with something else for him even if it's "steak", since that's what he will be eventually. :)

Anyway that's the new additions...I'm sure I'll share more in the future of at least the brown one, since she is the one we want to keep around. Once she starts letting us get closer to her without backing off I'm going to have to try to get a close up of her white eyelashes and see it they look as cute in a photo as they do on her. *snicker* I'm sure DH will work his magic on her like he has all the other animals and tame her down, so I'm not to worried about it.

We have hay trying to dry and got a few sprinkles today even though the forecast say no rain all week. Go figure! Thankfully it was just sprinkles. Hopefully that's ALL we get till we get it in our barn. Hopefully the sun will come out more and dry it...so we CAN get it into our barn. LOL

I hope everyone is having a good week, I gotta run now. Take Care!

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