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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Embarrassing Moments

Funny Romper

This photo cracked me up when I saw it. I think this photo would embarrass the goat if I showed it to her so I won't *giggle* but I just had to share it here cause it's to funny. She was really enjoying those old wild sunflower heads the other day and was leaning out over a cliff to get some of them. I do love a good laugh which must be one reason my many embarrassing moments don't bother me for long, because they are usually to funny to not share.

Every now and then DH and I start talking and laughing about things that have amused us in the past and usually it's one of my many little embarrassing moments, one story about something I did always seems to come up. (I'll share it in a little bit.) Well usually more than one of my moments comes up, but that one comes up the most.

I guess that ever since I got married I felt that I had to entertain my DH with the silly things I do...or something cause I sure have done enough of them. Sometimes its just downright embarrassing what I will do to make him laugh...*giggle* OK usually it's all unplanned because while I'm not totally dumb, I'm not quick enough to come up with most of the things I've said and done on purpose, especially not on the spur of the moment.

After we were married we discovered I had a problem with cliches, a BIG problem. I think I've gotten almost all of them wrong at one time or the other. DH always gets a big laugh every time I do, although they have slowed down the last few years...probably cause I've already gotten most of them wrong, although I think I still managed to find one I hadn't mangled, this year yet.

"Pulling my arm", "They'll hand the book to that guy", "What's coming to this world","ear to the grindstone" & "It's on your neck" are just a few of the things I've said, instead of what I should have said. I've been embarrassed about them but they ARE funny usually so I laugh at them too.

Course getting the jokes that people have said has always been a problem with me too, it's gotten better over the years also, but some of them still go over my head...and DH loves to laugh at me then to. I guess that's the price you pay for being a bit naive and totally blonde at times. I can't say I'd want to change though, it's to amusing even to me...although sometimes I've wanted to fall through the floor from embarrassment at the time.

I've told about a couple times that I was embarrassed on my blog already (here & here) but probably the most embarrassing thing I remember doing, the thing that comes up the most when we are laughing about things, was done at a customers house when we had our business doing warranty work on windows and doors. I am so thankful that the woman who's house we were in was one of the nicest ladies because if she hadn't of been we would have been history.

We were walking through her house inspecting her windows to see what needed to be done and what would have to be ordered. It's a really nice house in a upscale neighborhood with a lake in the backyard. The Lady was really nice and had laughed and joked with us throughout the tour, along with telling us stories about her family history. She talked about her Dog, an old Golden Retriever and how she was getting really slow and hard to move around some of the time, we had to walk around the poor dog some as she lay in the hallway snoozing even.

We made it to the kitchen that had an island in it, and a window above the sink. We opened the window, measured it talked some more and then turned and were walking back out into the hallway, (I was behind both DH and the owner) when all of a sudden calamity struck. DH told me later he wishes he had had a video camera...I just wished I had stayed in the truck. *snicker*

All of a sudden as I was walking behind DH and the lady as they talked, something grabbed my leg (I thought) and I heard something go scattering around the kitchen floor. As I kinda skated across the floor for a short distance because something was under my foot and sliding on the floor, I was trying to not end up sprawled on the floor when I managed to catch myself. I then realized that SOMETHING had attached itself to my foot and leg (hence that something "under" my foot), so on reflex I tried to shake it off, kicking my foot out to the side several times. I saw that old arthritic dog jump up and slink down the steps into the basement probably because she didn't want blamed for the fiasco. All this only lasted a few seconds before I finally came to my senses and realized what was happening and that I wasn't going to kick whatever it was off my foot, so I stopped and stood there in shocked disbelief, bright red from embarrassment and a little afraid of what this was going to do to our reputation with the window company.

I looked over at DH who was standing in the doorway beside the homeowner, both of whom were frozen in place. We were all three speechless at first I think...although the next few seconds have blurred in my memory because of the horrible embarrassment I was in. I looked down to see what had caught me and saw my foot was down in the wire dog food holder that had resided beside the island and held that poor dogs water and food up in the air so it didn't have to bend down to the floor to get it. I have no idea to this day HOW my foot managed to be THAT high so it would go into it, I had to have been high stepping...and don't know why I would have been, cause I don't walk like that usually.

Needless to say my thrashing around had bent it all up, so once my foot was extracted from it by DH, the homeowner (probably embarrassed for me) grabbed it and started pulling on different parts of it to try to get it back into shape, all the while saying it was OK and it happens all the time. Ummm well I kinda doubted that part, but since I was just wanted to leave at that point I didn't say anything about the obvious lie. Maybe she meant it gets hit all the time so the food scatters across the floor...but it sure sounded like she meant the whole dance happens a lot...and I doubt to many people have the distinction of stepping into it and skating across the floor then wildly trying to shake it off their foot.

I offered to help clean up the mess of dog food and water that was all over the kitchen at that time but she grabbed a broom and started sweeping saying no she could get it. It almost sounded like she didn't want me touching anything else for fear I'd destroy her house...although I'm sure that's just what I thought at the time because I was embarrassed. Thankfully we were almost finished and could leave shortly after that.

Amazingly she didn't ask the company to send someone else and even requested us on other occasions when she had an issue with her windows (including one time it wasn't a warranty issue so she had to pay us herself not the window company!)...so it must not have bothered her as much as it did me. DH and I laughed (later on of course once I COULD laugh about it) that she probably enjoys having a funny story to tell at any party they give.

We have laughed about that many times over the years and I admit it would be kinda nice to have a video, but at the time I was so mortified I might have destroyed it if we had had one. I like to console myself with the thought that it could have been so much worse....if it had happened at one of our BAD customer's houses I would have been banned from the property...and the window company would have found out about it....and who knows if they would have wanted to keep giving us work. So I Thank God that since I HAD to embarrass myself, it happened at one of our favorite customers house and that the homeowner had a great sense of humor.

I did notice though that the next time we went to her house that Dog food holder was gone and there was a much stronger sturdier one in it's place. *giggle*

I think my really funny embarrassing episodes have slowed down lately, I think the last time I did something that had me in stitches so much that I couldn't stop laughing involved my DH too and that's been several months ago so maybe I'm getting better at not embarrassing myself....and then again maybe it's just taking a break. LOL I couldn't share the last episode because my DH was involved and he isn't as used to sharing his embarrassing moments but let me tell you it was a good one...although I was more embarrassed about the above story than I was about the untold one. I did share it on my family story blog but shucky darn not to many people can see that one...which is probably why DH didn't mind! *snicker*

Anyway I hope you enjoyed hearing about one of my most embarrassing moments, I have to admit it IS funny...least to those of us who where there.

Live well...Laugh often...Love Much & Praise God for the chance to.


  1. I wish I could laugh at the embarassing things I've done... But usually I worry them to death and they keep me up at night. *sigh*

  2. I think that is a neat picture of the goat.

    Yes, we all have embarassing moments, and I'm like you I do best when I laugh about mine too. Laughter is good medicine.



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