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Friday, October 09, 2009

Cow news and a RAK!!


First of all I have to admit I totally forgot I was planning on doing another RAK at DST today, which is why I mentioned that I probably wouldn't post again till next week...unless something happened. But thankfully I remembered this morning, so if you want the chance to win a $5.00 or $10.00 coupon for my store, go post in this thread here at DST!! You have till Tuesday the 13th to post. :)

On the cow front, Mabel got brave enough to let DH entice her all the way into the barn to the milk room last night!! I was really surprised that it happened so soon, but leave it to DH to be able to get it done. She didn't let much milk down yet, (although DH said she let more down this morning than she did last night) but least she is getting used to us and the barn enough to get that far, I bet before long she will be giving us her milk too!! :)

I did have to laugh at the goats though, cause they got caught in the barn with no escape route, when Mabel came in to see if she could get more food. They aren't used to her yet, and are not real happy to have her blocking off the only way for them to get away from her. Mabel really makes the barn look small too, because she is so much bigger than our goats are. The stall area that shows in this photo was made for goats, so when Mabel comes in, she has to back up to get out, instead of turning around like the goats do. There just isn't room for her to do that, since that area was made for our goats.

Mabel has been spending a lot of time hanging over the fence to the pasture that has the two calves in it. I think she is wanting to be with her own kind, so DH is going to put a walk through gate between that pasture and the little place beside the barn, so she can be with them, yet still get to the barn, to be milked without DH having to go out and get her. She can wait by the side door of the barn when she knows it's time for milking and he can just open it up and let her in. Course it will take a little bit for her to get used to that I'm sure, but since she loves to have her grain, I'm sure she will figure it out. The two calves will like it too I think, cause they have been wanting to hang out with her too.

Ok I gotta run, just wanted to make sure those of you who read my blog knew about the chance to win a coupon to my store and then of course had to ramble on about the cows. LOL Have a great weekend and I hope those of you who are getting rain don't get flooded out...and those who are suppose to get snow (like we are) don't get to much of it!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your husband does have a way with animals! :)


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