Mabel, the cat & the cream
I was out seeing the goats and Mabel the other day and saw Tractor Buddy headed my way. She was wanting attention of course, and when she walked past Mabel she arched up to rub against her nose...brave cat. I thought the photo was kinda cute so had to share it with you. I have to say that cat isn't worried about getting stomped on by Mabel either, I was watching her a little later and she was laying right by Mabel's big feet and didn't move when she did...I don't know how she didn't get stepped on. I'm glad she didn't get stepped on, because I think that might have been the end of Tractor Buddy. Thankfully DH has Mabel in a different pasture now, so if I go out to the barn yard, maybe Tractor Buddy's life won't flash before my eyes as she winds her way around Mabel's legs.
Last night we decided it was time to take what milk we had from Mabel and get the cream separated off it, before it went bad on us. Until Mabel picks up how much she is giving us it won't be a daily task...and we won't need to use the large separator. Course DH has to still fix it, as it has an oil leak that he hasn't had time to get fixed yet, but now that he has a few things done outside that he had to do maybe he can take time for that...between some other things he HAS to do. LOL Anyway this is the first time we put cow milk through our little separator so we didn't really know what we were you can see by how thick we got it.
As you can see the knife will stand up on its own. And even after mixing it to make sure it hadn't separated out (which it hadn't) the cream would stay on the knife, even when it was held up for long enough for me to get several photos of it. Needless to say before being able to make butter with it I think I will have to add some milk back to it so it pours! I call this our extra heavy duty spreadable cream as opposed to light cream or heavy cream like you can buy in the store. *giggle* I wonder how good it would be on a bagel, english muffin or some of my homemade bread....hmmmm. Guess I won't be finding out as I'm not a cream lover, but DH....he might be tempted, he had to lick the knife off after we were finished getting photos. LOL
All in all I think Mabel is adjusting to her move to our farm. I do think she is happier being out with the calves instead of in with the goats. I guess all animals want someone they can hang out with and talk to without having to learn a new language. In the photo above Mabel is laying down enjoying the sun...which I swear was the LAST day we had any sunshine (a week ago tomorrow). It's been cloudy and dreary for far to long's starting to get on my NERVES!! *sigh* I guess we will see the sun one of these days again. LOL
Well I gotta run, it's milking time and I wanted to go see if he got a big gushing stream like he did this morning. He said he doesn't even have to sit and milk her, he just has to get her started then she will milk herself...especially this morning, he had foam on the bucket and that was just with her letting the milk out on her own. Odd, but something I have to see for myself now that (maybe) she is going to start giving us a little more. Poor cow, it must have been traumatic for her moving away from what she was used to.
Hope you all are having a great week! Take Care.

That picture with the cat and the cow is AWESOME! You should enter it in a contest somewhere! :D