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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mabel's starting to come around....I think!

I got a couple Lo's finished using Dustybear's newest kit!! I used my fireworks photos from this year, since I don't have any little boy photos. I think they turned out ok, although love some of the other things in the kit that is good for those outer space loving boys...or even girls. LOL

These photos were taken from the top of our hill on our farm...one of these years we MAY have to try going into town to see the fireworks but truthfully I prefer staying home since we can see them from here. Not sure the angle would be right for taking photos if we went into town either, since they would be above us...but I think DH might want to go into town sometime...so maybe....a BIG maybe....he might drag me in there one of these years. LOL

Anyway, kit credit for these two LO's is: Spacey Papers & Elements 1&2 by Dustybear.

We had a good day yesterday for our anniversary. Didn't do anything major, in the morning we took a drive, but mostly it was a normal day. It was nice to spend a little extra time together though, instead of DH working outside and me in, not that it's to bad, since I can always go out to see what he is up to, and he comes in a lot to rest. Thanks for all the anniversary wishes! :)

Mabel finally gave us more than a quart of milk per milking this morning!!!!! Not as much as she should be yet, but it was a little over a half a gallon this morning, so hopefully this means she is starting to get more used to DH and will pick back up to at least two gallons a day if not more. I'm really pretty happy with the amount of cream that seems to separate from the milk as it sits in the fridge. We haven't put it through the separator yet, cause we haven't had all that much, but will be soon I think, and then....it will be time to make my first batch of butter! Least if we have enough cream to do it it will be. On a quart of milk, the cream is at least 1/3 of that if not a little more. I have no idea if this is normal or what, but it seems like a nice amount when I'm used to the goats that don't have much separate at all. :)

We have had an overcast sky for several days now, so I'm really looking forward to some sunshine...hopefully later in the week we will get some. LOL At least we aren't having to put up with several inches of snow yet like other parts of Nebraska have. Well I better get off here, I still need to do dishes and put the bread away that I baked earlier...so I better get busy. I hope everyone is having a great week! :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a cute kit! ... May have to look into it, since I have me a couple boys. :)


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