A Quick Visit
Yesterday we had a quick visit from my niece & her boyfriend and her Mom...so no I didn't get any scrapping done after all, but that's OK, I'd rather see my niece. LOL Oh and Tractor Buddy came back, so guess a wild animal didn't get her after all!!! Yesterday was a GOOD day! :)
I got some photos of Kali & Trevor while they were here...and rediscovered that I suck at people photos. LOL Some of them are grainier than I like and while I did take them into ps and cropped and tweaked them that didn't fix everything, but least it helped. Cropping is my friend though, and it sure helps make a photo look better to me...even if it is a bit grainier than I like. I know I should have had plenty of time to read up on taking better people photos between now and the last time I complained about it...but I've been busy and haven't done it, besides I doubt I would have remembered what I read anyway with my horrible memory. LOL
Trevor seemed really nice, and enjoyed the goats I think, especially the babies. Kali wished we had younger babies, cause she like them smaller best...can't say I blame her, they are the cutest then...but she held one for a little bit too. (photo on flicker)
This little boy (goat) was sure wanting attention. All of them got held, but the other three went off with the Mom's so they didn't keep getting pestered, this little one stuck around hoping for more attention. Trevor picked him up several times and held him. He even held him up to a branch on a tree so he could grab a leaf or two to munch. I'm not sure how he got so friendly, because we haven't had time to give them lots of attention...but somehow he seems to be. I love it when they are...but have to much going on to go out and help tame them ALL down.
All in all it was a great visit, and we enjoyed seeing Kali (of course! LOL) and meeting her boyfriend...who appears to be "fun" to be around. I'm sure he has a bit more to learn before he is as "fun" as my DH, but he is young yet! *giggle*
The rest of the photos I took are on flicker if you want to see them.

I absolutely LOVE that last photo of Kali and Trevor. It is so sweet, and they look so happy! :)
ReplyDeleteSO HAPPY that Tractor Buddy is back! I would have missed the photos of her. She is so beautiful!!!!