Scrapped the Sunset
I decided to scrap this morning, even though I didn't get much done around here yesterday and am behind. I can't catch up in any area of my life, so guess I'll just be behind, and do what I want when I want to...when I can. LOL
So this morning it was scrapping...and instead of choosing the photos I wanted to scrap, then going to find a kit, I chose this kit then went and decided to use the sunset photos I'd just taken with it. Love the dried roses in this kit...dried flowers are really neat in kits I think, but I don't see to many of them out there, not that I guess I've looked real hard, since I can't afford to buy them.
I think the pink clouds go with the kit better...but since it was a two pager, I used the same kit for the 2nd page too...even if the clouds were more orange.
Kit Credit: Rose Of May by Manue Designs
I hope everyone had a good weekend, it was slow here...and we didn't get much of anything done...although did get a long visit with a friend who stopped by. Yesterday we went to visit another friend, so needless to say, yesterday was the same. Soooo, hopefully this afternoon I can get busy and at least get the kitchen cleaned up, milk skimmed, cheese started and some more yogurt made but we will see how it goes. I've been extra tired, so not even felt like getting busy, but guess I'll have to. LOL
I talked to my parents as usual this weekend...although late, since a friend was here, and found out they have been getting lots of rain (even more than us, and we aren't hurting any). They have flooding in the usual spots and then some...more than they have ever seen, and they have lived there for over 35 years. Thankfully none of it's on their land, but it does make them go WAY out of the way if they need to run into town as it's over the roads too. Saturday they had a wedding to go to, and were late getting there because they had to go so far north, before they could go back south.
I'm really hoping it slows down soon, so we can get our haying the grass can grow up and we can get a 2nd cutting. We really need to cut hay in the next couple weeks, but we will see if that happens.
On a sad note, my favorite cat has disappeared. We just can't keep cats around here, but this one wouldn't go very far out away from the barn, so she stuck for longer...not sure what happen though, since she usually sticks close...makes me wonder if we have trespassers snooping around in the night here and doing in our cats. LOL I've lost a favorite cat several times since we lived here, but this was my all time was Tractor Buddy, the one I was always taking photos of. We haven't seen her for several days, so are guessing she is gone. I'm praying that God will do in whatever is getting our cats, so we stop loosing so many of them.
We are just down to the one who adopted us this winter now...and her two kittens. I love the calico cats, and even though it hurts when I loose them I can't help enjoying them while I have them. There are plenty of hiding places in the barn, so I don't know how another animal could have gotten her...but something sure is enjoying getting rid of our poor cats over the years (and we haven't lived here THAT many of them), a few of them we know what happen to...but not all. :( She could still show up again...but I have to admit I'm not holding out much hope, since she has never ventured very far out away from the barn before.
Anyway, I better get busy, talking about our cat problem is making me I have to move on. LOL I love living on a farm...but boy it sometimes HURTS to live on a farm...when the animals die (or disappear in this case).
Hope everyone has a great week...if I'm lucky I'll ignore other things that need done, and scrap again tomorrow! LOL We will see how things go I guess. Take Care.

So sorry to hear about your kitty, Hon. We've not had any need for any beyond Spinner and the one feral that shows up every once in a while. However - Dwayne ran him out of the hay loft last week and he hasn't been back since. :(
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not - Terry got the hay cut day before yesterday. Taken that long to get a pocket of dry weather. One of the other guys came yesterday - tedding with hope that it would dry enough for Terry to bale this afternoon. Well - at 4:27am I was awakened by - rain. Not sure how well today is going to go. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll do the same for you!
I'm sorry to hear about Tractor Buddy. :( How sad! ... It could be coyotes, or bobcats or something... Those and the cougar keep the stay cat population down around here. :(
ReplyDeleteThe layouts are beautiful!