Annie's Babies
Annie was the other Kinder goat we had, and was the last goat to kid. She beat Daisy by a day or two in the race to have their kids. I wasn't surprised, since Daisy seemed to be taking her sweet time. LOL
Annie had a boy and a girl, they are a kinder/Boer cross, but other than their ears, they look like the kinder goats to me, last year the crosses looked more boerish. I think the little girl is the cutest thing...even if she isn't Boer looking. Usually I think the Boers are the cutest...but I think her coloring with the bits of black on her really makes her look TOOOOO adorable! :)
Annie's little boy is cute too, and I like his coloring too, he just doesn't seem to have that cute face that his sister has. I love the white spot on his forehead though, he is cuter than his older cousins that Annie's sister, Sally, had...least I think so. LOL
I guess this will probably be the last of the new kid photos for this year...unless we get surprised by some. LOL I do love our babies, and need to go out looking for one of our chickens that is running around with some. We usually get them put in the brooder house, but the last several times we did, we lost them to something, so till DH has the time to figure out just HOW that happened, they are probably just as safe staying with Mom, as being put in the brooder house. I love seeing a Momma hen running around the yard with her brood...but know it's not usually the safest way to raise them up. I haven't gotten to go out looking for her yet, but...hopefully I do before they get TO big. LOL
Anyway, I better go get some more of that "catch up" done, that I needed to do today. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :-))
Awwww! They are beyond cute!