Road Hazard isn't road hazard anymore.
Here is that hen with her chicks that I mentioned last week, I saw she was out in the yard, so went out and snapped a photo of her. Hens are always so cute when they are walking around with babies following them. :)
A rant:
I seriously have to wonder how some companies can stay a float, when they like to lie and treat their customers like some of them do.
After we bought my car last year, we had to get new tires for it, so started looking around at all our options. We almost went back to Sams, like we always used to do, to get them, as they were the cheapest, but we were kinda wanting to go with a local company if possible, because 1) they are in our home town, so we wouldn't have to drive all the way to the city to have it fixed, if we didn't want to pay for it, and 2) I'm not real fond of Sams or Wal-mart anymore, and would rather buy local if I can.
So after much discussion back and forth we decided to pay a little more for our tires to get them at the local tire store in our hometown, (which is actually owned by a company based out of Lincoln Ne called T.O Haas Tire) since we were assured they had a road hazard warranty that would make it so we didn't have to pay for fixing flats, just like we were so used to having when we purchased our tires at Sams.
Last week DH discovered that one of the tires on the car had a slow leak, so he took it into the store we bought it from in the small local town a short distance from our farm. He came home telling me he ended up having to pay for it, because the "Road Hazard" warranty they carry only kicks in if the tire is shredded, which is NOT what we were told when we bought the tires. That is just plain stupid to my way of thinking, cause that means they would rather someone drive on the flat tire long enough to ruin it so they have to get a new one, than to eat the small cost of fixing the flat and saving the tire.
Needless to say I was highly ticked about it but let DH handle talking to the home office, as he is much better at being nice about it, and I didn't want to tick them off to quickly. LOL I guess I shouldn't have worried about it, cause while YES we DID get our money back, it wasn't because of the home office, it was just cause one of the workers in town decided to do it "this once" so we "were on the same page" and knew that next time we'd have to pay. He doesn't need to worry...if I can help it, there won't BE a next time.
I sure won't be buying tires from T.O. Haas again, not if they aren't going to stand behind their road hazard warranty policy, and make sure ALL their stores did what they should. If they are only going to replace a ruined tire, then they need to call it something else, cause we've gotten "road hazard" for years from several different company's, and it has always covered a flat, as WELL as a ruined tire.
I really think, that when we were looking to purchase new tires and talked to the people in town, they told us that road hazard covered flats, just so they could make another sale. That to me is despicable. If you have to lie to make a buck, you won't be getting any repeat business from me if at all possible. I'd drive out of my way whenever possible to take my business elsewhere, just because I hate dealing with people like that.
Nobodies perfect, but to outright lie about it, and have a major attitude problem, when DH talks to them NICELY about it makes me wish I had gone in and did the "talking" myself, instead of the nice one of the family. *giggle* I'm not near as nice as my hubby when it comes to most things, so they would have known I was extremely mad, when I left...not that they would have cared, but after all, they never know who is watching, and maybe that someone who was, would have thought better of giving them their business.
DH did say that the home office said the stores in Lincoln covered flats...but even if we lived there I don't think I'd buy from them again, because who knows if that will last...if the store finds out that other stores the company owns doesn't, they could all of a sudden decide they didn't want to either. Besides it's the principle of the thing...if they can't keep ALL of their stores in line and have them ALL follow ALL of their policies, then NONE of them need to get OUR money.
*sigh* Ok, I'll shut up about that now...I just HAD to vent. *giggle*
The milking of Daisy has really been an adventure...not a pleasant one at times. *giggle* We aren't exactly experienced in trying to milk a new mother who is hormonal and just wants to be with her baby and save all her milk for him, so we are learning as we go. We had to get some colostrum milked out and put in the freezer, so we had some in case we need it when Mabel has a baby...if she ever does, which is why we started trying to milk so soon after the baby was born.
Saturday was a really BAD day, it was HOT and Daisy just didn't WANT to be in the barn giving us milk, but Sunday was cooler and the first day she actually let us have some without a fight. Course her kid was also in the barn with her in the morning so that could be why...the evening milking didn't net as much, because he didn't come in. This morning we brought the baby in, but she still didn't give us as much as I would for sure like to have, but hopefully we can get everything figured out before to long, and start getting more from her.
We have a halter for the baby, but it's to big, so we will have to wait to get it on him till he grows more. I'd like to get him trained to come when we hook a rope on the halter, but...that may have to wait a little bit longer.
Sometime this week we should be able to start keeping the milk to make cheese with, we haven't tasted it, to see if all the colostrum is out of it yet, but I'd think most of it should be, so a few more days to be safe and maybe I'll be able to make some more cheese!!! :)
Unfortunately I'm not sure how good her cream line will be, as that's the last thing she would give us...which means it could be a while before we get lots of cream from her. Hopefully we will get enough to keep us in butter though. Mabel has really slowed down what she gives us too, with the heat, so I haven't been able to make all that much butter or cheese the last week or two.
I just hope the worst of the trying to get milk from Daisy is over, and we can move on and get the milking done faster now, so we can get on with our day. Granted it will take longer to do the morning chores, with milking two cows, but if we stop having to fight for it so much, it would go faster.
The calf is growing already and yesterday was his first day out into the hayfield. We opened the gate to the pasture and just let them roam, so they could get some better grass...till the hay gets to getting tall again, and they ended up all the way to the south fence line where they love to spend some time. The baby stayed with them, laying down and resting now and then.
The gate has actually been open before, but Daisy didn't go far from the pasture. I guess she figured it was to soon for that...or maybe just to hot, who knows. She didn't really go out today either, so maybe it was the heat that made her wait before. They are down in the "swimming hole" again today, or I should say Mabel is...and Daisy is watching her wishing she would hurry up. Not sure why they don't BOTH get in, as it's a creek, and plenty long enough for both cows, but I guess they don't like to both be in it, at the same time. Least we haven't seen them in it at the same time yet...we will see if it happens later in the summer. We have strange cows...but they fit us (cause we are strange to) so I guess that's ok. *giggle*
Anyway, I better stop yacking and get some more done around the house. Supper is in the crock pot (and smells yummy!) so least I don't have that to do, but I should make some salad, as well as do some more cleaning and putting things away. I'm still not totally caught up from having our nieces here, I'm rather the barnyard shenanigans have been slowing me down even more. LOL
I hope everyone had a great weekend, we had a good one here, and even got to go visit friends on Saturday, so that made our weekend a little different (Not that I don't enjoy staying home and having a lazy weekend when we can, but DH does like to get out now and then, and I admit it's fun...once I make myself do it. LOL). I think we missed a tractor show we wanted to go to, but I guess that's the way it goes. Didn't really have the money for it anyway, cause we need to find a milking machine, so that's where any extra is going to have to go for now.
Have a wonderful week everyone!

Oh, I would NOT have been happy with the tire place! ... I hate it when they do things like that. *sigh*