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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just Peachy

Fresh Peaches
I think I've died and gone to heaven...farm fresh peaches....hmmmmm!

Several years ago, just after we bought our farm, we decided we wanted to plant some fruit trees. This was before we were living here, and in the middle of a drought, so I'm not to sure exactly WHY we decided to go ahead, but we were excited about owning a farm, and I guess we figured we would try it. It didn't go well, we replaced several trees more than once, and eventually gave up on them and left them alone, to die in peace, or to grow...which ever they decided to do, most of them died. LOL

However we do have three trees left, in that old orchard (our new one is in a different spot) the apricot trees I mentioned this spring because one had fruit on it for the first time (although somehow that fruit didn't stay on the tree long enough to ripen) and a peach tree. The poor peach tree is not the best looking tree...it was broken a few years ago, and is kinda bent and leaning, but for the 2nd year now it had a few peaches on it! The first year we missed them because we were gone when they ripened...and forgot to go check when we got home. This year however, I was determined to get them so we could FINALLY have a few peaches from our own tree.

Last evening DH and I went and picked the peaches. We only got a ice cream bucket full, but that's more than I ever thought we would get (I had pretty much giving up on those trees LOL). The best part about them is...they are SOOOO Yummy! It's been so long since I've had a peach, fresh from the tree, that I've forgotten how good they are. They are sweet and juicy and even the ones that are still a tad bit green are good!

Because several had spots that needed cut out, before the whole peach went bad, I just took all of them, skinned them and cut them up for the fridge. It's to bad we don't have some vanilla ice cream to put them on, cause that would be a good summertime treat. I guess this is the one time I'd welcome DH saying he had to run to town...cause I'd probably have him get some, even though I've been trying to just do plain fruit more. *giggle* Oh well, I love just plain peaches too, however we eat them I'm sure we will enjoy every last bite of them. I'm so looking forward to the two trees we planted this spring getting big enough to produce peaches...cause I'd really LOVE to have enough to can some and be able to eat more of them fresh, although I know it will be a few years before that happens.

I feel so blessed when we are able to eat something produced on our farm, it reminds me that God loves us and is watching out for us. We certainly couldn't eat as well as we do, without the goodies we get here on the farm, because there is just no way we could afford to buy it all the time...especially the raw milk for homemade cheese and butter, the fresh peaches and all that venison we are given during hunting season! Praise God for his bounty!! :-))


  1. Ohhhhh, you are soooo missing the point! LOL Just can 'em! They'll taste the same! But YOU - of all people I know - have THE GREATEST opportunity... fresh cream... a little bit of sugar or honey... chilled with the peaches... OMG!!!! Just - DO IT!!!! LOL

  2. *giggle* You know, I had considered making some whipped cream...but with the three little triplets having to be fed, we aren't getting as much milk as I'd like, so I hated wasting the cream for that, since I haven't been able to make butter as much lately. Butter is the whole reason I finally gave in and let DH look for a cow, so I hate to not have any, I'm loving using it in cooking so much! :)

    Love the idea though...so I'll keep it in mind for next time I guess. I will also have to try honey on peaches, never thought of that! Thanks for the idea! :-))

  3. Oh my goodness that looks devine. Just straight from the bowl. Mmmmmmmm Beautiful and very peachy. I'm drooling now. YUM!!!

  4. Those peaches sure look yummy.


  5. Sounds good! ... My grandparents had a HUGE orchard in Parkdale, Oregon. They mainly harvested (and sold) pears, but they had some peaches too. My grandma would always pick us fresh peaches from the tree. Yum!!! ... Peaches always remind me of Grandma. :)



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