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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Butterfly Day!!

Red-spotted Purple Admiral

It's been a beautiful day here for the 2nd day in a row...although I missed most of yesterday being inside working on apples. It didn't get out of the 70's here yesterday, least I don't think it did...and not to far up into the 80's today. It's nice to have a break from the heat!!!

We started our day out by loading up Mabel and taking her to the Vet to see if she will be giving us a calf just after the first of the year...and as it turns out....SHE IS WITH CALF!!!!! Yippee!!! We are hoping for a girl this time around, because it should be all Jersey, but I guess we will be pretty happy with whatever, as long as it's healthy. She is due January 10th 2011!!

We were going to draw some blood a few months back, to send in and see if she was with calf then...but couldn't figure out how, even after having been shown how before. *sigh* We need to find out how again, so hopefully we can do it when we need to with Daisy...in case we have a bad winter, and don't want to try to get the trailer out on the roads. Maybe, if we are lucky, we can have a test run again, when we have her AI'd, so we can hopefully remember how to do it. LOL

Once we came home and let Mabel out of the trailer, I was down by the apple tree and noticed it had a bunch of butterflies flying around, and one of them was one I hadn't noticed before! I had to dig my camera out of my purse (where I stuck it to go to town...so I didn't have to take my camera bag...and yes I have a big purse, for that VERY reason! LOL) and get some photos. I never did get a fab one of the new butterfly with it's wings wide open, but least I caught some of the blue it had on the top of it's wings. (Top Photo) DH looked it up online, and we think it's a "Red-spotted Purple Admiral" Butterfly.

A Butterfly Day

There were of course our beautiful Monarch butterflies there too, as well as a few other kinds. I really need a longer lens cause I couldn't get close enough to the butterflies, to not have to crop the photos more than usual...but thankfully they turned out ok even so.

I've noticed that cropping a photo really makes it look "better" least in my eyes, (it does make a difference in HOW you crop it too...sometimes I try it several different ways) but usually I don't have to crop it quite as much as I did some of these today. LOL

Oh to be a GOOD photographer, and be able to take a fab photo all the time, that doesn't need anything done to it...yep, in my dreams. *giggle*

A Butterfly Day

I almost got rid of this photo, but there is something about it that made me not be able to. I guess I like the colors in it...with the blue sky, green leaves, and orange Butterfly/moth it is really colorful.

The butterflies were enjoying the apples on the tree that had rotting spots on them. I guess either I've never made it out to the tree when they were around the apples before, or there hasn't been this many before, because I sure hadn't seen butterflies enjoying the apples before. It was kinda neat, and I'd sure love to go catch some more photos of them...but we will see if I manage it before they are gone for the year.

There are more of the butterfly photos I took today on flicker!! :)

I hope everyone is having a Butterfly (beautiful) day too!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new baby that is on the way!

    Love the photos! I rarely see butterflies around here. :)



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