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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Growing Babies


I went out to let the cows out this morning, and took my camera so I could see if there were any butterflies around. I also had to get a photo of this little growing beauty! Actually I've been calling her Beauty, cause she is one, between her beautiful coat, and how pretty she looks walking around the pasture, she is also the biggest baby we have...including the ones who were born a couple months before she was. She was born big, and stayed that way. I'm so glad she is a doe, cause hopefully she will do good and give us some more good sized babies in the years to come. :)

Daisy & Stew

Stew is sure growing. He's getting taller, and takes a lot of the milk during the day so we don't get a lot for us. DH is putting him in another pasture at night, so he can't nurse, since he is old enough that he doesn't NEED to be nursing as often as he would if he could...and that way we get more milk. LOL Course he and Daisy weren't to happy with the idea...but they will get used to it eventually. Just wait till it's weaning time...that won't be any fun at ALL I'm afraid. *giggle*

More Butterflies

I got a few more butterfly photos today...they aren't as easy to see in the tree now, not sure if there just aren't as many as there were the other day, or they are hiding. I thought this butterfly that I caught this morning looked like it was standing on it's tip toes...so had to share. LOL

Sounds like next week is another busy one for us...among other things, we got a call from someone who has an apple tree in town...and she isn't going to use all of them, so said we could have them again this year. I'm not sure what kind hers are, but they are bigger and better than ours, although ours grew wild in the middle of the pasture for years and years, so I can't complain. I wish we had known we were getting hers before now though...cause I wouldn't have made so much apple sauce out of our apples, as hers probably would be better. Oh well, they will dry...and are wonderful fresh, and anything else I decide to do with them, so...I'll STILL be working on apples some this next week. *snicker* Good thing we like apples around here! :)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That calf is getting big!!!

    Have fun with the new apples. *lol*



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