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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Morning Romp

Gettin' exercise

The other morning I caught a photo of the calf running around the front yard, after they were let out to graze for the day. I love watching him running around playing, he looks so happy and carefree. It's not the best photo, as he ran to where I couldn't get another one, but still kinda neat, so thought I'd share it. His Mom in the background is kinda funny looking and out of focus, but that's ok since I was trying to get him, not her. I haven't had much time lately, to enjoy the animals, with trying to work on apples and being behind on so much around the house, but once in a while I just HAVE to take a moment to breath.

This morning we had to get up extra early, as we had a Dr appointment in Omaha, and wanted to stop and see an Aunt for a short time, before we went to it. We left just before the sun came up, while the mists were still hanging around making the scenery extra beautiful. As we drove along, before and after the sun made it's appearance, I gazed out the window at the beautiful morning, thanking God for a beautiful start to the day. I loved topping a hill especially, catching that first look at the scene laid out below us, before we started down the hill. Seeing the rich green of the crops with the lines of trees in the distance partially shrouded in the low laying mists. There were more detail in the tops of the trees, than there were close to the ground in places, and the layers of treetops in the distance stretching as far as the eye could see made for a beautiful landscape. I really wish we could have stopped for a few photos, but naturally didn't have the time to...so those photos will have to live on in my memory.

It was a good day, which is always wonderful...we had a good (although to short) visit with DH's Aunt, and a short appointment, with better news than expected so all in all I was pretty happy with our day. DH even took me out to eat at Cracker Barrel, which is something we don't get to do much of anymore. We both LOVE their pot roast! :) The drive home...while not as beautiful as the morning drive was still pretty because the fields are still nice and green...and there isn't anything prettier than green rolling hills.

Tomorrow it's back to that old grindstone...there are still apples on our tree, so they need to be put into jars. LOL Two days gallivanting around, this week, kinda makes it hard to get them done...the weekend isn't going to get any done either, cause there are other things I have to do then, so guess that means I'll be doing some more next week, if they are still any good. *sigh* One of these days I'll be able to play with Blushbutter's new kit again...I hope!

We aren't getting Sugar (the Mama cat) till tomorrow evening, but hopefully I can get a good photo of her this weekend sometime to share. I think DH has a line on another calico or two...so we will have to see if they really ARE what I call calico's and maybe we can get another one if they are. :)

I better get off here before I fall asleep over my keyboard. Getting up just before 5 is NOT my idea of fun...but it is worth it now and then, to see the sunrise over the pink tinged horizon and the mist covered snapshots I have, even if THIS time they are only in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. My Mom is always wanting calico kitties too. :) ... My favorite are orange tabbies. :)

    Glad you got good news at the doctor's appointment!



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