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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Kittens!

New Kittens

We had to go out today, and after we ran our errand, we called a number we found on an ad, to see if they still had some kittens they were giving away. We stopped by their house and chose three of them and one of the Mom's (there were two litters, we got two from one and one from the other). There was a misunderstanding so we couldn't bring the Mom home with us, (the owner was at work, and we were going through her daughter who was talking to her Mom on the phone...so Mom didn't understand that we were taking three kittens AND wanted the Momma cat, so she said we had to wait till the kittens were gone...that is till she figured out we took kittens too...once we were gone. LOL)

However once she figured out what was going on, and that we DID take some of the kittens, and wanted the Mom TOO...cause she is the prettiest AND so she could protect the kittens better than they can themselves...she called DH and apologized and offered to bring the Momma cat to us, since it would be a little while before we were up their way again. I thought that was a really nice offer, especially since this month has been hard on our pocket book with how much extra traveling we have been having to do. LOL DH said he will offer to meet her half way when she calls back...which is still better than going the whole way to get her. I really want that cat, cause she is a better calico...not the BEST I've seen, but better than a lot I see.

New Kittens

So anyway, we have three new kittens in the barn now, and hopefully soon (maybe even this evening) we will have another calico!! Hopefully at least one of these cats will decide they like the camera, so I'll have a new cat to take photos of when I'm outside...like I did with Tractor Buddy! LOL Only time will tell.

We gave the kittens some milk as soon as we got home, just so they knew it was a place they would get fed...they will of course also get hard food, but figured we would start them out with the milk. It's always so fun watching kittens play, so hopefully they get comfy before to long and start entertaining us with their antics! :)

They are friendly which is a plus and the little gray & white one (top photo) has a little bit longer hair, kinda like Tractor Buddy had. (That’s one reason I chose it...cause I like the longer hair on a cat. LOL) We don't know if they are boys or girls...we aren't good enough to tell on a cat at this age...only time will help us there. We haven't named these yet...it usually takes us a while, and I have to admit...with cats....sometimes we haven't ever gave them a name. *Shame on us!* LOL

I'll show off the Momma Cat as soon as I can, once we get her!! Her name is Sugar, which is a Sweet name....*snicker*...Sorry...I couldn't resist! ROFL


  1. AWWWWWWW!!!!!

    They are sooooo cute! I love, love, love kittens! With me, they would have names already, trust me! *lol*

    My Mom loves calicos too, but I am not too picky. I just love kitties any old way. :) .. I guess my favorites would be orange tabby cats, maybe? I guess if I had to choose (which I would rather take them all *lol*), I would take the kitten closest to the front in your picture, and then I would name it Patches. :)


  2. Congratulations on your new additions!


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