Book Sale
This last weekend there was a Apple Jack Festival at a town about 45 min away, and they always have a book sale every year to benefit the library. We have gone the past couple years, cause it's a good way to find cheap reading material for the coming winter, since I LOVE to read...even though I don't get to do near as much of it as I used to do.
I don't ever go to the local library, because they charge a yearly fee for those of us who don't live in the town's city limits. Since I grew up with a wonderful county library, which anyone in the country could use it for free I guess I have a problem with having to pay every year, just to use the library. I do love owning books though, it's nice to reread them whenever I want to...there is just something about holding a book in your hands and discovering (or rediscovering) the magic that is on it's pages...the adventures you can go on...yet stay safe at home with you loved ones and animals.
I really wish I could have spent way more money, and came home with more books, but we've spent far to much this summer on unexpected expenses, so it's not as easy to come up with extra money right now. I didn't do to bad really, and ended up with a couple bags of books, that should last me a week or two. *giggle* (I'm a fast reader, so that's why I'd love to have been able to get more)
Anyway, this year I really hit the jackpot! I finally found some of the christian books I love to read, there, for the first time...including a couple I didn't have from my favorite christian book author, Janette Oke...but the best part was I found 6 books I didn't have (and a few others I had but that needed replaced cause they were old and falling apart) by my favorite romance author Essie Summers!! (Mom introduced me to her books when I was growing up.) Essie Summers died several years ago, and finding her books, at a price I can afford can be difficult, so I was thrilled to find them at the book sale for 3 for a dollar! The fact that I found 6, that I didn't have really made my day!!!
Needless to say, I had to read that afternoon, while DH was watching his football game...and yes, it was one of the Essie Summers books...ok, I stayed up late and read two of them!! *giggle* It was so good to relax and read, after all the canning I've been doing.
Quick update on Peaches...she is doing more playing again today, and her nose isn't as swollen, so I think she will be fine this time. She DOES avoid Autumn a lot more, even puts her tail between her legs and takes off running if she is walking behind her following me around the house. Although it's sad, it can be funny to see it...poor baby. I'm sure she will get over it, if Autumn gets over being grouchy.
Autumn still seems down...but I've held her some today which seems to help her depression a little...just can't hold her all she wants, as I do have other things to do to. Gotta love our girls though, and they need extra attention right we do the best we can to give it to them. :)

We only have county libraries around here. I've never heard of one charging a yearly fee before... Strange... But I'm like you. I would much rather buy the book and keep it!
ReplyDeleteJanette Oke is one of my favorite authors too, but I've never heard of Essie Summers... I'll have to look into her books. :)
Glad Peaches is doing better.
Snuggle that baby for me! She is a doll!