A Monster Among Us
As you can see...Autumn has a touch of the green eyed monster in her! *snicker* I didn't fix that "red" eye on purpose, cause the green fits her right now.
(On a side note, you can't see it in the above photo to well, but Autumn is getting really gray...and it sure seems like the last week a lot showed up, poor girl...loosing Rascal has really stressed her out, and being jealous on top of it hasn't helped.)
Last night, all was going well, I actually had thought that Autumn was starting to get used to Peaches, and maybe in a few days she would forget herself enough to actually possibly play with her even.
Then the Green Eyed Monster struck again, causing Autumn to attack Peaches. When she "attacks" she attacks and I have to pull her off, before she really hurts Peaches. It's only happened 3 or 4 times before (twice the day after we brought her home), mostly when I'm playing with Peaches, so I've learned to not do that with Autumn around. Who knew that Autumn would get jealous that Peaches had puppy food, which Autumn doesn't get...and attack when my back was turned...yes I know....I SHOULD have known.
Unfortunately, I've been having a little trouble with my upper back the past few days, which means I'm moving slower...so Autumn got a few more "licks" in, before I pounced (as quickly as I could) and pulled her off when she attacked over the "food" last night.
Autumn drew blood this time, there was a bite mark on Peaches upper nose, close to her eye. This morning it was swollen, so DH called the vet, and they said that Dogs don't breath through their mouth, so if their nose gets swollen so they can't breath through it, they could have problems...so off to the vet we went.
Peaches first time at the vet...and she had to have her nose shaved, so they could see the puncture wound. She was NOT happy about that, it took two of them to do it, and they still had trouble doing it. Poor Baby.
They cleaned it up a tad bit, and then gave her some antibiotics to get the infection down...and a pain pill...that I think may be an anti-inflammatory too, unless I understood them wrong and the antibiotic was that...I'm not real clear on medical stuff sometimes. LOL
Anyway, Peaches has been less playful today, although she has wanted to some, which relieves my mind. She just hasn't done as much of it as she was. She gave me a scare last night...usually she wakes us up ever 2 hours, wanting out of her "box" and 4 hours after we went to bed I woke up, saw what time it was and sat up all worried that something was wrong with her. DH got up and picked her up and took her outside...and she seemed ok, so either she was staying quiet cause of the monster attack right before bed, or she is getting used to the fact that she has to stay in bed...I kinda doubt it is the later, but we will see.
After we got home from the vet, and she got her first dose of meds, She was sitting on DH's lap for a little bit, and rolled over for a tummy rub. She LOVES tummy rubs, like our other red doxie did, I thought it was so adorable so had to get a photo. :)
Here is a before photo...it's one of the last ones I took, before the attack. Hopefully she will heal quickly, and Autumn will loose the green-eyed monster, and start playing with Peaches.
I think Autumn is going into heat, which doesn't help matters...she is always really hormonal then...although not as bad as a couple months down the road, when she thinks she should be having puppies...then she is pure Bitch...so hmmmm going to have to watch for that to, although that gives Peaches time to get a little bigger, so maybe she can start holding her own a little better.
I just hope our two girls will survive each other and start getting along, cause we love them both now...we are trying to give both of them attention, although I admit today Peaches got lots more than Autumn, because we felt sorry for her. We do know we can't leave them alone together, poor Peaches gets locked in the kitchen by herself, if we have to leave the house, without taking her with us.
Peaches is already growing though, so Autumn better watch out...she will be able to take her in a few months, if she isn't careful...after all Autumn IS an older woman, in dog years, since she is 9 years old, so a young whipper snapper could out fight her if she doesn't watch it! *giggle*

Awwww! Poor Peaches! I hope she's feeling better soon. :(