Smart baby!
Peaches is busy learning some of the basic things we try to train our fur babies. I haven't started trying to teach her "tricks" but she is learning other behavioural things.
Over the weekend I think it finally clicked that she is suppose to go potty outside...she has only had one accident (not counting when she got left in the kitchen so we could run to town...then she did too, but that's to be expected) the last 3-4 days since it clicked with her. I'm sure happy about that, cause it didn't seem like the potty training was going well before then, although I know she was kinda young so that's to be expected...but now at least it gives me hope that she will learn. LOL
She is also learning to "get out of the kitchen" which is something I have to teach them, so I don't end up hurting them or myself as I work in there. She has to be reminded about that one still sometimes, by me saying "get out of the kitchen" as I lightly stomp my feet in front of her till she moves over to the other side of the bar we have...they don't have to totally leave the room...just move to the side of the room that doesn't have the main kitchen traffic in it.
Another thing we have been working on is "get in your bed" that's not as easy for her...but I think she does know what we mean...she just doesn't wanna. LOL She's better at it at night though, thankfully...we don't have long periods where she has to be told that and we have to listen to her cry. She sleeps a little longer at a time now too, so it's not a every couple hour thing when DH has to get up (or sometimes me) to let her out. Course there isn't much chance of sleeping in...but least we are getting more sleep. LOL
I'll have to start trying to teach her a few "tricks" now too. The common ones like shake hands, beg, sit, lay down, rollover at the very least. I didn't do real well at teaching Autumn and Rascal those...especially Rascal, but we were traveling at the time they were small, so didn't have much time to work with them. Least she seems to be learning the basics pretty quickly...I think she is pretty smart! *grin*

Joe's cousins actually trained their puppy to ring a bell (that hangs by the door) when it has to go outside. How cool is that?! *lol*