Sore Paw
All the cats we got a couple week ago are still around, enjoying their daily milk. Monday when I went out to see them I saw Sugar was limping bad, and then saw her paw was swollen. When DH came back to the barn, I mentioned it, so he picked her up and looked at her foot, dug around a little bit (and let me just say....a cat doesn't like that at ALL! LOL) and pulled out a thorn that was stuck way down deep in her paw. Ouch!!
He put some salve on it, and let her hopefully it will get better now, so she can stop limping. She forgave him, and didn't run away, once he let her go, so that's good...she seems like a really good kitty, after all she didn't scratch, claw or bite him...even if she was trying to get away. :) I asked DH how she was this morning (since I didn't go out) and he said she was still limping a little but putting more pressure on it and it didn't look swollen, so it must be getting better.
This little cutie still needs a name...We named the one sitting by Sugar in the top photo Baby, cause that's what the people we got them from were calling it, the larger kitten is Patches...cause that's what a Friend (thanks Julie) suggested...and the scroungy looking white and yellow one DH is calling Scruffy. LOL That leaves two we still need a name for, the above kitten being one of them, so if any of you have any ideas, let me know!!! :)
An update on my mincemeat post for those of you who get my posts in your Mom found the recipe she used, so I updated the post here with it. If you want to try it, I recommend the new one, not the old one, cause I tasted the old one and it wasn't near as good...WAY to much sugar. LOL I added some apples to three of the jars I made, and it's more like what I remember, so I think I'll be doing the other three jars too, while I have apples needing done. :) Doing it the way I did it, I only got 5 jars...but that might be because of how I did it. I'd say you should get 5-7 qt out of one recipe. :)
Have a wonderful rest of the day, I've gotta get back to work. :)

I'll bet Sugar was glad to get that thorn out of her paw! Poor kitty! That must have hurt!