Finished Soap
I had to show a photo of some of the soaps I made, that are now cured out (although it probably wouldn't hurt them to go longer...but they are usable now). I wrapped 4 of them, cause I'm going to give them away as a gift and wanted to make sure they had an ingredient list on them...besides, you KNOW how much I love playing in photo I really had no choice, I had to come up with a neat label even though I'm not actually selling them, and have no intention on doing so since the insurance required is far to expensive.
I used the pen tool, and made a little line frame for the front, and printed them on Kraft paper which I then cut to the right width...and cut a piece of purple paper a little wider for under the Kraft paper for a more finished look. I know....big surprise I choose purple for my "color". LOL The really cool thing about the paper is it's it sparkles in the light. Not that you can see to much of it but it still adds a little something special.
Now if I can only figure out how to cut the bars so they look better. I found a cutter I want,'s really expensive, especially for someone who is only doing this for themselves and gifts, but...maybe someday I'll manage to get one. I've also got to work on my coloring. Some of it worked like I wanted it to....some didn't. I guess even without the bars looking perfect or the color being right, it still works, and that's the most important thing. :)
Today, I'm making a batch of Green Tomato relish/salsa! We were given some sweet red peppers and some hot peppers yesterday, so I thought I'd try it, since we still had some green tomatoes left. If we like it, I might make several batches and can it. It's the first time I've made salsa, so we will see how it turns out. I used this recipe here...if anyone has a good recipe that they have used and love, feel free to share it with me...if this one doesn't turn out real good, I may try something else. Course I am pretty sure DH will eat it, even if I don't. LOL I don't know how hot it's going to be, so don't know if I will like it or not (as I prefer mild salsas myself LOL). I'll try to let you know later on, if we like it and I make more. :)
DH is stewing some tomatoes, okra & hot peppers, cause we got some okra for free too...and he likes the combination. I think he will probably get all of that for himself. *giggle* Fried okra is good...not sure I'd like any other kind. Have I mentioned before how much I LOVE free things, even if I do have more work to do when we get them? *giggle* Praise God for his continued blessings!
Ok back to work! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :)

I LOVE the labels you made! It really dresses them up nicely!! What a great gift idea!