We KNEW it was happening...but getting proof seemed to be difficult. After all, if someone is stealing something, they don't want to be caught...that's the whole point of "stealing" they won't get caught, and possibly have to stop, or worse yet go to jail.
The bad part about it is...
...Auntie Mabel seems to be OK with the little milk thief! *giggle* That is, when he gets attached to the correct teat...the one that actually still has milk in it. If he gets on the wrong one, she walks away. Guess we are going to have to make sure Stew stays "in jail" till both Mable and Daisy are milked in the mornings. *giggle*
Once Stew got what he could from Mabel...or maybe it was cause she kept walking further from the barn and his Mom, who he KNEW would have breakfast for him, he came running back toward me (top photo...& notice his milky slobber coming out of his mouth as he ran) and stood waiting at the barn door for his Mom to finish her breakfast, and DH to finish taking the milk that Stew thinks should be ALL his.
Course once I knew DH was about done with Daisy, I had to go get Mabel back to the barn...and she didn't want to at first, she must have forgotten she hadn't ate yet...or maybe she gave up, since Daisy...ummm DH....was taking so long. LOL On the way back to the barn, behind Mabel, I got sidetracked, because this landed on the grass right in front of me... I had to stop and get some photos. And yes I had my camera....doesn't everyone do chores with a camera around their neck? *giggle* Oh OK, only us....what can I say, I live with it when I'm outside, if at all possible (Unless I KNOW I'm going to be doing something where I can't, besides DH does most of the outside chores with the animals, so what I do, can usually be done with my camera)...and even DH has taken to wearing his camera pouch a lot of the time....although not ALL of the time. That's why he wants as small a camera as possible, so it's not always in the way like mine is. LOL
Anyway, back to the cows...Daisy gave us almost two gallons of milk this morning...the cats got some, but between her and Mabel (who isn't giving much) we probably would have had two gallons at least, if it wasn't for the cats...and Stew. LOL Needless to say, we are getting enough milk for my cheese making now...just wish the cream line were better, I'm not going to skim it anymore for a while, cause I just can't get it to churn into butter the last three time's I've tried. I'll wait till we are getting more to start skimming it again...hopefully she won't hold it up till we wean Stew, but...I won't hold my breath. LOL That's still another couple months down the road.
We need to get another cow...or maybe two, so we always have a good milker (Mabel isn't really a GOOD milker) in milk, without their baby to hold the cream back for. *snicker* Yeah I know....I said I didn't want cows, and now we have several...and want more. What can I say...I LOVE the fresh butter, and hate not making some every week! LOL Don't laugh to hard....or say "I told you so" to loud please. *giggle*
Well better go, just wanted to show our milk thief and update you on how much milk we are getting (even if it is practically skim milk LOL)! It's more than I had hoped for really (the amount of milk, NOT the amount of cream...that is LESS than I thought even though I knew she would hold some up), with a calf on her...although I had no idea really, since we had never been through this before. I can kinda understand why some people we know take the calf off and bottle feed it...but I'm not sure I want to go there yet. LOL

I would probably always have my camera with me too, if we lived on a farm. :) ... Wouldn't want to miss photo oppertunities! (I know I spelled that wrong. *lol*)