Cookbook pages
I worked on my first recipe pages over this last weekend. I had so much fun with them and since I'm wanting to put the name of the person I got the recipe from on the pages (myself if I got the idea from somewhere and changed them to fit our life) I put a little tab on them for that purpose. Since not all of the dishes will have my name on them, I put a little photo of Peaches in the background kinda as a "signature" so if I use the page in the exchange people may still know where it came from...since I'm doxie on a lot of forums. LOL
I just really love how it turned out, that pose of Peaches is perfect for the shape of the's so cute! So did any of you think my cookbook was going to be doxie free? If so it was a silly SILLY thought! *giggle*

These are the first two pages I'm making for my cookbook, and will be this months pages for the recipe exchange on the Blush~n~Dusty Yahoo Group. Sorry, I blurred out the recipe's cause of the exchange...if you want them feel free to join us and create a couple pages to share with us...and you will get all that people make this month. :)
Kit Credit: Deb's Kitchen (both full and mini kits) by Blushbutter & Dustybear. I am in love with these kits...I think they are going to make this recipe book extra special!! :) The curly shapes I put on the papers are made with Wool Sweater Streets Die Cuts & Card stock Layer Styles. Since it was a CU shape that will be merged into the page, I can use it in the exchange.

The wider red strip will be in the binding, I wanted it wider so I could still do a spiral book if I decide to. I would love to, but am afraid they wouldn't hold up real well...but I have a year to decide. That's why I made it so it would work for either version anyway. (I don't know for sure, but I seem to remember reading if you do a spiral book, the binding area needs a little extra room in it) If any of you have done a spiral bound book before, I'd love to hear how you liked it, and how you think it will hold up!! I know mypictales has a 8x8 one...or I can do the regular 8x8 custom hardbound book....just have to make up my mind over the next several months, not sure if anyone else makes them.
Maybe if we win a small fortune I could try both versions of the book out and have an extra one! *snicker* Yeah right...I my dreams.
Now I need to get busy and work on a category page...cause I want a page telling what category the next pages are going to be hopefully I can get to that before time disappears and the month runs away from me. LOL I actually need to get a little ahead and do next months category page too...since I'm going to give them to everyone who participates in the exchange too...least I'm hoping to have them done so I can. :)
I was going to try to do all this last month, and as you can see I didn't get around to it, so hopefully this month doesn't end up leaving me behind again.
Better run, have several things I need to get done today...and it's already afternoon. Hope everyone is having a great week, ours has been busy so far...but still no calf! Guess we aren't to good at reading the "signs"...or she is good at tricking us. LOL

You're really making me want to do my own cookbook! :) ... I need to start taking pictures of my finished meals. :)