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Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Whole Lot of Melting going on!!

There's a Whole LOT of Meltin' going on!

It was above 60 F. here today! The snow was melting and filling the creek to over flowing.

There's a Whole LOT of Meltin' going on!

It was absolutely Beautiful outside!!

I didn't spend a long time out there, as I had other things to do, but couldn't resist going out and getting a little fresh air for a change. :)


The only bad part about the melting...is the mud and the muck. The cows were enjoying the sun, even with that though. If it wasn't so cold, I'd tell them they needed to go jump in the creek to wash off. LOL But I'm sure the water is COLD from all the snow melt!

Eating Hay

Clover looks like she is staying a little dryer, when I first saw her she was laying behind the hay feeder right next to the barn. She got up when DH took a hay bale out, and started munching on it with her three mom's. She is still a cutie! :)

Hopefully it drys out quickly around here...least so it's not soupy. Usually it doesn't take real long to dry out here on Hillbilly Hill, that's the good thing about living on the side of a hill I guess. With all the snow it could take a little longer, since it has to melt, but hopefully by the end of the week it's not quite so bad...just in time for it to get cold and snow again like they are saying it might! LOL

I'm sure going to enjoy the next few days though, I Praise God for this gift of several warm days in the middle of February (usually one of the coldest months), it really is wonderful!!

1 comment:

  1. I get cold easy, so I usually wait until it gets into the 70s before I get all excited and want to be out in it. *lol*



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