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Friday, July 08, 2011

Becoming camera shy.

Peaches is becoming camera shy.
"Oh boy, she has that camera pointed in my direction again...
...I'm not going to act cute anymore!"

I don't know what it is about our dogs, but especially with the girls, it seems they become camera shy when they grow up, whats up with that...it's not like they are human or anything...they just think they are! LOL Peaches used to stop and look at me all cute like with her head up when I called her name when I wanted a photo...but now if she sees my camera in front of my face she almost always refuses to "pose". LOL

The above photo is as good as I could get last night, with her looking at me...and since she saw the camera pointed in her direction, she decided to look at something else...

Peaches is becoming camera shy.
"Oh, look at that...isn't that something, I could stand here and look at it all day...
...or till she lowers the camera anyway."

...And look at it, till I gave up trying to get her photo. LOL Silly Dog anyway.

I wanted to get one of those cute ones where she is looking at me, all bright eyed and perky eared last night, because I realized earlier in the day that she is almost a year old. Her birthday is towards the end of this month! I finally gave up, and came back inside. I guess the days of being able to easily get adorable photos of her are over. *sigh*

She is still a cutie...and fun...and adorable...and playful...and such a joy to have around, just not as much so for my camera. LOL Oh well, guess maybe I can live with these kinda photos now...cause she is still cute in them, they just don't show her adorable, playful side like I'd like. :)

Almost a year old...can you believe it? That means in a couple more months we will have had her for a year! Wow, unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time getting cute pictures of our cats too, but mainly because they won't sit still long enough. *lol*


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