The Blue Angels
This weekend, there was an air show in Lincoln Nebraska, and The Blue Angles were flying. Naturally, they were something we had to go see...I love a good photo op and DH loves air shows, especially after being in the military.
They put on a good show, even if half way through one plane had to land for some reason. Even without the 6th plane in some of their formations, it was fun to watch and amazing how they could do some of the things they did in close quarters and not crash into each other. There were a few times I gasped and then held my breath as the planes took off, crossing each others path in a midair maneuver.
It was a beautiful day, not to hot, like other air shows we have gone to (years ago) were, and so nice to get out and enjoy something together. DH took some photos for a while, but he finally gave up, cause his camera doesn't have a view finder, and the little screen is to hard to see in the bright sunlight. I on the other hand, had a great time, clicking away as the plane's passed where we were sitting (or standing if we wanted to see better).
I took a TON of photos, most of which got tossed into the reject folder, but there were 42 photos I just couldn't toss away, so I put them on flicker if anyone wants to see them they can look at the air show folder on flicker here.
There were other planes, besides the Blue Angels, but they were the star of the show, and the thing I was most interested in seeing. Who doesn't love watching those pretty blue planes doing their death defying stunts, in the beautiful clear blue sky? It was especially nice, cause I've not had much time lately to go looking for things to take photos of...I was having photography withdrawals I think, and this was a easy way to get some cool photos, that I didn't have to go searching for. :-))
It really was a wonderful day! See more of the air show photos here!

Looks like an awesome show! I would have been doing some gasping and eye closing too! *lol*