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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Drastic Measures

Lincoln Nebraska Airshow 2011 with The Blue Angels

We were standing talking to a friend we saw at the airshow this last weekend, when we looked up and saw a car being carried far above the ground. The friend told us he had heard the announcer saying that whoever owned a white whatever kind of car this was, needed to move their car, or drastic measures would be taken. We chuckled and decided this was the drastic measure.

Lincoln Nebraska Airshow 2011 with The Blue Angels

All of a sudden, we saw it fall to the ground and a big explosion happened...then we realized that THAT was the "drastic measure" they must have been talking about. *giggle*

I know they were just joking about all that, but it was funny, and I sure wished I had managed to catch a photo of the car falling, but I wasn't expecting that, and we were a ways away from that area of the show at that point. Besides the fact that my mouth was hitting the ground at the time, so I didn't think to raise my camera and get a photo of it falling. LOL

It was a good start to our afternoon at the air show, gotta love a good laugh. :-))

Lincoln Nebraska Airshow 2011 with The Blue Angels

Even though I got a chuckle about the "drastic measures" and enjoyed the other flying, the Blue Angels were still my favorite part of the show.........other than spending the afternoon with my beloved of course. :-))

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, that is funny! *lol* ... But also such a waste! *rofl*


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