The Beautiful Cottonwoods
Some of the tall beautiful cottonwood trees that happen to be one of my favorite trees that grow wild, especially along the creeks here, are turning gold now too. I think actually some have already turned, but when I was outside yesterday with my camera, I noticed there were several that were really pretty still. These were peeking over the hill across the road from our farm, showing off their yellow foliage, before they go to sleep for the winter. I walked up our hill, to see the trees at the back of our farm, and while there were a lot of bare branches showing, there were also some of the pretty yellow cottonwoods there too.
I love the cotton wood trees, because they are so tall and pretty year round, from the bare branches against the setting sun in the winter, to the green and gold of summer and fall, they catch my eye and I'm thankful we have several of those tall stately trees here on our farm. If you lay under them on a lazy summer day, you can hear the music they make in the breeze.
My parents used to have an old cottonwood beside their house, when I was growing up. It's long since gone, as it was old when we moved there, but my brother and I used to sleep outside under the stars, in the side yard some nights, and I remember laying there listening to the leaves dance in the breeze. It's one of those peaceful, relaxing sounds that takes me for a walk down memory lane in my mind and helps me to feel the peace I felt as a child growing up in the boonies of Missouri.
One of these days I hope to have one of these beautiful trees closer to our house, so we can hear the leaves better without going for a walk...but till then, I'll enjoy the ones we have along our creeks, and if I have time I'll go lay under them and listen to their song.

You always take such pretty pictures. :)