A Day for Memories
Today we got to see one of my Great-Aunts. Her daughter was back from California to see her, and wanted to come see my parents and the graves of my Uncle Orison and my grandparents. They all came over to our new farm to see us and have a meal together, it was our first family "dinner" in our new home.
It seemed a long wait for them to finally get here, but then I really hate that waiting game. LOL
They stayed for several hours, talking around our poor pathetic (small and falling apart) dinning room table (our nice big one is still in the basement...till our floor gets done, cause it wouldn't be easy to find room for it when it comes time to move everything out of the dinning room to install the floor).
Stories were passed back and forth, and memories were brought out to once again see the light of day. Beloved family who are long gone were remembered, as we enjoyed a break from the busy summer we've had so far.
I enjoyed seeing my Aunt again, as I hadn't seen her since my Grandma died, (6 years ago) and getting to know her daughter a little more because I don't remember seeing her much at all as I grew up, and certainly not a lot since.
My Aunt kinda surprised me just before she left, by mentioning how close my Uncle Orison and I were, and how hard it must have been for me when he died. He's been gone for 18 years, and this is the first time she ever said anything about that (not that I've seen her a lot after I moved out of Missouri). After all this time I guess I would have thought she had forgotten...if she ever really knew we were close. It was kinda nice to know someone remembered...and understood...besides my hubby and parents. It made me miss him all over again...but it was a day for memories, so that's ok. He will always be missed...and loved.
To top it all off, just after everyone left to head home, I looked out and saw there was actually some color to the sunset so I had to get a photo of it. I've not noticed a lot of pretty ones so far this summer...either I've missed them or there just hasn't been as many as normal with how dry it's been. Either way it was a nice end to the day.

I'm glad you had a nice time visiting with your family. :)