Clover and her first baby!
I finally got around to getting photos off my camera today, so I can share some photos of our newest farm baby!! :-))
We don't have her named yet...we don't plan on keeping her (cause there are only so many cows we can support on our little farm) so I've been debating on if we should give her a flower we have been doing for OUR girls...or a different kind of name. One of these days I'm sure we will figure out what to call her, but till then she is "Clovers little girl". LOL
Clover was the FIRST Heifer born to us once we got cows...on the first Hillbilly Hill farm in Nebraska. She grew up with us, getting some training here and there for milking and even lead training. She was the first cow DH trained...and thankfully I think it appears he did a great job! She is a wonderful mother, and even lets him "milk" her...although he hasn't really done to much of that yet, as she doesn't have a lot of extra this first time far anyway.
When I first went out with my camera, to watch the birth, I just saw two legs sticking out...(no nose or tongue like in the above photo! LOL). Clover didn't like me getting two close, she would stand up and move around, and not I finally went back and got my coat (as it was a cool morning) and then didn't come back all the way, just close enough I could zoom in for pictures.
The first time I saw DH walk up to her, and try to get back to the baby to maybe help pull, Clover turned and wouldn't let him close to her hind end. Later, once she had been stuck with just the feet out a while, he walked up to her again, and this time she moved forward, and turned so the baby was by him, as if saying "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!" I had to chuckle as I started snapping photos.
DH grasped the legs, and waited for her to push...
...when he felt her pushing, he pulled and the baby came out a little further.
I heard him talking to her softly, telling her to push...then I could see the head...
Then the rest of it just started oozing on out....
...till it gently plopped onto the ground.
Clover turned and licked it, while DH started rubbing it, to get it moving and made sure it's air ways were clear.
Once it was starting to move, DH said we should probably get a rag or two to help dry it off, since it was kinda cold that I ran to get some old towels. After rubbing it some, he then carried it to the barn, so it was out of the wind, and we made sure Mom was taking over before leaving them alone for a little bit.
Clover took to being a new Mom quite well! She keeps a close eye on her baby to make sure nothing bothers her. At first she wouldn't let Shasta play with her, but that's tapered off now that the baby is a few days old. I'm thrilled that she seemed to know so well how to be a good Mom, I know they have instinct, always makes me wonder anyway. LOL Course she had three Mom's to show her how it was done, as she grew up, so one would think she would get it right the first time! LOL
As usual, the miracle of birth was fascinating for me! Hopefully the birth photos aren't to much for any of you who see them, but I just couldn't resist sharing them! God's miracle's are always wonderful to see, and there is nothing I like better than seeing the miracle of birth...unless it's feeling the baby move before it's born, that's a wonderful miracle in it's own right.
It doesn't matter if it's a cow, a puppy or a human...birth is always a wonderful miracle! Praise God I get to live on a farm, when I can experience it now and then!
And Praise God, Clover and her little girl are doing just fine! Now we get to watch her grow up...least for a few months till she is weaned. :-))

wow, I would have thought they would lay down to deliver. Great photos.
I had to pass by some of those pictures pretty quickly. Let's just say I would never make it as a vet, or in the medical field! *lol*