Homemade is wonderful!
I've been admiring a friends homemade cards, that she shares photos of through e-mail for a while now. She has really made some pretty ones!
A week or two ago, she told me she put one in the mail for me, so I watched for it, finding it hard to wait to see what it looked like.
The other day it arrived, way faster than I thought it would, since it was coming from Australia. I opened that envelope first...and oohed and Ahhhed over it. She had put some pretty "fall" leaves on it! Perfect for the season.
It's early for Thanksgiving...but who knew it would get here so fast. She knows how I do enjoy that holiday. I do LOVE homemade...especially when it's so pretty and you can see all the love and work that was put into it.
Thanks Jenny! I LOVE it! I was going to put in in my china cabinet...and I will...but I couldn't bring myself to yet, it's still sitting on my desk, so I can enjoy looking at it, every time I come to my computer. :-))
It's warm here today...back and forth, back and forth...it seems like it can't decide if it wants to turn cold or not. The wood furnace works really well on the warmer days...a little to well actually, so I've had to open the windows today. LOL It's so STRANGE to open windows with the heat "on". We did find out that the wood furnace is hooked up to the pump wrong...so will have to have that changed, once the guy works us into his schedule.
When it's colder, the furnace doesn't actually keep up as well as it should, which is how we found out it's hooked up wrong. Yet another thing to spend money on...*sigh*...thankfully we have a little extra money this month so it's not going to scare me to much to have to have this done...but darn it, one day I'd really like to SAVE some money, for a few projects we need to be able to do NEXT year! Maybe one of these days we will have all the things "fixed" that need fixed at this new house...so we can move on to things we want to ADD to the house or farm. No wonder the price was pretty cheap on this place...it has a few issues...but thankfully so far, God's helped us be able to fix them...or pay someone else to fix them...or is helping us hold out till we can fix them later. :-))
God has been good to us this year...even though the move was "hard" it could have been ever so much worse...as could the problems we've encountered with the new place. We have much to be thankful for this year...this Thanksgiving season...not the least of which is being around family who REALLY cares! I love you guys!
Yippee!!! Thanksgiving is at MY house this year....for the first time in a LONG time family will be coming to OUR house for Thanksgiving!!! My favorite holiday of the year! Just wish my niece didn't have to work, so she could come...but hopefully next year she can.
Had it not been such a special holiday for me, and we had such a hard year, I may have been willing to change when we celebrated it...but we can't really afford to do TWO thanksgiving meals this year, with all that's gone on...and if we didn't have the family over ON thanksgiving, I'd STILL have to have a meal for us, cause it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the feast! So...she will have to make do with leftovers I guess...I suppose that's the price we pay for growing up...we can't always go to every family gathering we'd like to. We've missed out on a LOT of them over the years ourselves.
Anyway, just wanted to share my card with you...then got carried away with my rambling. LOL I better run, need to go outside, hubby wants me to finally decide where I want my rock...it's never been "placed" since we moved, and he wants to know where I want it, so better go walk around and figure that out. :-))
It's a really pretty card. My sister-in-law has been making cards for years. I don't think I have ever gotten a store bought one from her. *lol*