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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cuteness Overload

Kali came over to see us for an hour or so the other day, and brought her daughter.  I had to get a few photos so I had some updated ones.  She is a cutie!  :-))

I haven't shared any photo's of my little great-niece on here for a while (not that I'd actually taken any new ones....so I couldn't share sooner.  LOL) so thought I'd do that today. She came for a short visit last week with her Mom and I enjoyed the visit, and getting a few updated photo's of her. I'm almost out of practice with my camera I think, but managed to get a few cute ones...least I thought they were! LOL

Kali came over to see us for an hour or so the other day, and brought her daughter.  I had to get a few photos so I had some updated ones.  She is a cutie!  :-))

She isn't walking by herself yet, but she sure does like walking with help...and when she is sitting she is still "moving" a LOT. She waves her arms around, claps her hands, bounces up and down and side to side. She loves to "dance" when she is sitting...it's to cute. I just wish I had half her energy! I sure don't envy her Mom in a few months, once she is walking by herself...course if I were around her more I'm sure I'd get used to running after her, but since I'm not she would sure wear me out once she is running around by herself. LOL

Kali came over to see us for an hour or so the other day, and brought her daughter.  I had to get a few photos so I had some updated ones.  She is a cutie!  :-))

She is such a doll, and oh so precious and it was so good to see her and her Mom!

In other news...it was in the 60's yesterday, and suppose to be again today...I think Spring may have finally arrived, although I realize it can get cooler again still.  But it's so nice to be able to have the windows open...love that fresh air!!!

Well, I have things to do...so better run.  Enjoy those warmer temps if you are getting them, after the COLD winter they sure are nice!  :-))

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