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Monday, May 25, 2015

First things first!

Our first calf of the year...hopefully we will have a few more.  This one was a little girl.

We had a calf born in April this year!! It was a little girl, and she is totally adorable!! You KNOW how much I love our farm babies...this is the first one of the year. So far, she is the only one...but hopefully some of our other girls will be giving us some babies sometime this summer! It's hard to tell if some of them are pregnant...but I'm sure hoping ALL of them are!! :-))

This little one will be sold once she is able to be weaned.  I totally think it's better for them to stay on their Mom till then, as it gives them a better start and a better chance of living a long happy life!  So...we don't sell them till they are wean-able...even though plenty of people do and plenty of people successfully buy a bottle calf and raise it, I just prefer that our precious farm babies stay here till they are able to eat solid food!  ;-))  That's not to say I might not sometime...if we HAD to, sell one early...just that I prefer not to.

But...really...isn't that little thing so adorable?!!  ;-))  It's so nice to see her scampering around playing and enjoying life!

More to come on my updates...just had to sneak this one in FIRST...cause I do love our farm babies!

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