Tractor's, Company & other Rambles
It's been a somewhat busy spring here when it comes to visitors too. We've had our niece Abbie here a couple times for several days. It was good to catch up with her.
DH's friend Kirk also came over for several days, to help hubby get one of his old tractors running again. They had to totally rebuild the motor I think, but they did manage to get it running before Kirk had to leave. It's always wonderful to have Kirk here. :-))
They both rode this old tractor around our yard a time or two, once it was left some holes in the yard, from the wheels...but it wasn't long before you couldn't see them with all the rain we've been getting. It was nice to see a cute tractor running around here for a the other ones hubby has worked on weren't near as "cute" to me as this one was. LOL
We have also had the neighbor kids here for a few nights, while their Mom had to go out of yep...been rather more busy with the company aspect so far this spring!!
As for hubbies knee replacement surgery...we still don't know about that one. He keeps having more and more trouble with his knee...but God willing it will hold out as long is needed, till they get around to doing the replacement. Prayers are still appreciated if you can send some up for him!
Anyway, that's about all the major stuff that I can remember at this moment in time. I'll share a few photos tomorrow of our "spring" beauty if I remember to and have time to, and then I think I'll be up to date least photo wise!
Hopefully I can get a few taken in the next few days...depending on the rain for some of them, since it seems we are in a major rainy season lately, and update you on a little more newsy stuff. Until then...I'll be in my soap room, or at my craft table if I'm not busy cleaning, cooking or helping my Mom at her house! ;-)) the case of this evening and tomorrow is, in my kitchen helping butcher a cow that we were just given because it was down and the vet said it wouldn't be getting back up. Hubby, my Dad and a neighbor just went to get it...and I'm taking a break for a sec, to post this...and just had to add our latest news on there. LOL Guess we will be busy tonight! Least a neighbor or two will help us, for a share...and that way we don't have to try and find room for a whole cow in ours and Mom &Dad's freezer since we do still have some of our last one in there (although I was getting low on ground meat). So...Praise be to God for giving us more, before we ran out!
God is Good All the time!!!
See ya when I see ya!!

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