Spring was beautiful again this year!
I was so glad to see signs of spring showing itself this year! I was ready for some color to be added, and it came out with a vengeance...green grass, the trees starting to come alive, and flowers bursting out all over!
Such a beautiful time of year!!
I was out walking in one of our pastures, admiring the beautiful redbud trees and even saw a few of these pretty little violets. One of my favorite flowers of early spring...least on the ground...I always love the redbud trees which we have a ton of here on our little farm!
Then there were my iris. They sure seemed to be early this year...may not have been, cause I know they are an earlier variety...just seemed really early. But they were sure pretty, and I thought of our Sister-in-law who died a year ago now, as she loved them so. It's hard to believe it's been over a year since she died. Course, it's hard to believe it's been 4 months since Clara died...time does fly.
Spring is always my favorite time of year...it's the time the frogs come out to sing, and life seems to be reborn here on the farm. This year was no exception. There have been a few hard times the last few months...but with spring back, it helps renew my hope that things will be better eventually. It doesn't always happen, true...but least it helps to be able to put one foot in front of another, with all that beauty springing forth around you. :-))
Praise God for his fantastic paintbrush, and the beauty he LOVES to give us! Now spring is almost over...but that brings it's own beauty with different wild flowers and the sweet smell of fresh cut hay! ;-))

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