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Monday, January 29, 2007

Doxie Designs Minnesota Memories - Winter

I wanted to celebrate the fact that DH and I got our tax forms filled out and mailed today, so I thought I would put another kit on here. I haven't ever gave this away, although I made it a year ago. I don't know why I didn't ever post it, maybe I never thought it was good enough....(not that I really do now, but thought I would put some out that I had, even if they arn't real great! LOL) If you think you can use it, feel free to download it! The pictures on some of the papers are some my Uncle took. This whole kit was made with him in mind. He loved to go ice fishing in Minnesota every winter.

Download link will be gone by the end of Oct, sorry if you missed it!

I will probably be putting another kit I have never had on here as a freebie, out in a couple of weeks. It is an older one too. So check back, because I am leaning towards not putting the fact that I posted it on any forums! Read more about how I will be doing my freebies by clicking the link called About the Freebies under Special pages to the left! I also still have other freebie links active, so feel free to get them too!

Remember, the only "payment" I want for my kits is for you to comment HERE on my blog if you take one!! (not where you get the download) Thanks!!


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I live in Florida but still love the winter designs. This is really nice. mjc

  2. I really like this kit...of course, maybe it's my Iowa memories thinking!

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Thank you so much, this is a wonderful kit!

  4. Iowa is looking a whole lot like Minnesota today, thanks for the kit.

  5. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I have this same view from my house. Winter came late to NY but it is here now! Thank you for the great kit :0)

  6. Thank you so much for sharing, here in Michigan we finally got some real snow this weekend.

  7. very cute winter kit.TFS!

  8. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Thanks for the cute kit. DH is from
    MN & will enjoy any pages made with this.

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Very nice winter kit. Thanks for sharing it!

  10. This is beautiful! Thanks!

  11. Anonymous1:55 PM

    What do you mean that it isn't very good- It's wonderful- and it works perfect for some of my pictures that I have taken this winter so far--IN MINNESOTA!!!
    Thanks much

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Well, this one is petty too. Just wanted you to know it downloaded just fine for me.

  13. Anonymous7:58 PM

    This kit is soooooo cute!!! thank you!!! :)

  14. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Thank You. Nice kit.

  15. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I just found your website and love the kits you make. "Bailey" in particular. Is there any website that has this one for sale or any other way to get this kit? Our last name is Bailey and would love it if possible. Thanks!

    Karen Bailey

  16. I like this winter scene kit.
    Thank you.

  17. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Really beautiful kit, thanks Sue

  18. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Thank you for taking the time to share your awesome kits!! Very nice!!
    Mary K.

  19. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I like it! Thank you very much!!!

  20. Anonymous3:06 PM

    thank you

  21. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Oh my gosh...you renewed the link!! Wooooohoooo!
    I had added this link to my "hopeful" list, but DH has been in the hospital & I haven't been able to get back. I just checked & am thrilled that you've so generously offered it again.
    Thank you so VERY much!
    May God bless,

  22. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Beautiful winter kit.The papers are great.tfs

  23. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Very pretty!!! TFS!!!


  24. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Thank you for all of your great designs, I especially love your very unique cluster frames. Also, thank you for leaving them up long enough for me to find them.

  25. Simply Beautiful!! TY!!

  26. This is so pretty. I love it. Thank you.

  27. Anonymous5:26 PM


  28. Anonymous8:20 AM

    glad i found your beautiful stuff again thanks so much for sharing



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