Junk Drawer from Shadow Scraps
I haven't made any layouts for several days now, I did actually work a little bit on a kit, I've been stuck on what to put with some papers I made, but finally did a little this weekend. However I'm now stuck on what to add again, and it still needs quite a few things, so needless to say, it could still be awhile before its finally finished! LOL Hopefully tomorrow I can get back to doing some layouts! I really need to get my creativity back!!
My friend, Jamie of Shadow Scraps managed to do three mini kits this last week. I just wanted to show you this brown one, because for some reason it keeps calling to me. It doesn't tell me what photo's to scrap with it, but I think I'll have to get it, if I can figure out what to use photo wise. I really like all the browns in it, a lot of times I like some other colors too, but this time the brown tones really look great and are calling my name! *giggle* The other two mini's have some beautiful flowers in them, (you can see them here in this forum post) so if you like flowers, check them out too! This kit is called Junk Drawer and can be purchased here. Its on sale for a short time! I think it would work great with heritage photos, men's photo's, and even my goat photos...hmmmm LOL that's an idea!
We went to an auction on Sat, we went because we heard there was a Taurus on it, but we didn't get it, it went over what I wanted to spend, which I was kinda glad for, because when they started it, there was a strange noise, so I really didn't want it, in case there was something wrong with it. I want a good dependable car, and I know God will provide one in our price range, we just have to give him time. Other than the fact that I would like to take the car on our longer trips, like to Omaha to the VA, because it would get better gas mileage, I really don't HAVE to have one right now, because I am perfectly happy staying home!! The unfortunate thing is, we have to make at least one more if not two or three trips to Omaha, (surgery and post surgery appointments) so getting better gas mileage would be nice! LOL However God is providing, so for that we can be thankful!!
We were supposed to get snow this weekend, but thankfully it didn't happen, for once!!! :) We did get some rain, but it was just above freezing, so didn't change over to snow. We had it turning to slushy ice on our windows in the early morning, one morning, but that went away, when the sun came up. Our chances of snow, keeps sticking around, which is expected, but at least its getting closer to March, where we can have it warm up some. Granted it can still give us some winter storms, but they don't usually last as long then. I can't wait for that warmer weather!!
Our goat STILL hasn't had her babies! Poor thing, has to be getting close, as its been a week or so since her bag started filling with milk. I sure hope she does ok, I want to cuddle those sweet baby goats, they are just adorable! My Dad has had babies for quite a while now, so I'm feeling left out a bit! *giggle* You can see some photo's of them on his flicker account here.
Well I better get off here, and fix something for supper. It doesn't have to be major, since I made deer steak for lunch, (It was REALLY good!! LOL) but I'm sure DH would appreciate something! Have a great week and thanks so much for your comments!
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