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Monday, March 10, 2008

Why do we bother?

We ordered some rock last week, but didn't get it till this morning, because there was fresh snow, on Friday when we were suppose to get it. It seems every year, we have to scrap some money together to get some, and pray that they will send a driver out who knows what he is doing, so it gets spread nicely, and where we want it. Not sure why we bother to think it will happen, although I have to say, last year the guy did good.

Two years ago, one truck load was spread at the top of our drive, by the road, really deep, cause they guy didn't set the chain right, and it came out to fast...so we didn't have as much of our drive covered as we wanted. This year, one load of it, was dumped in front of our barn, in about 20 feet....we would like to have had it a few inches thick....instead of several FEET thick, and actually had it spread out around our circle drive, instead of just in front of our barn. Silly us, thinking we could request they send someone good....and actually expect it to be done. Ok, to give the guy his due, the experienced one, didn't set the chains, the "in training" guy did...however the experienced one SHOULD have checked them to make sure they were right, as that's how you "TRAIN" someone. So needless to say, I'm not to happy at this moment, about how "far" the rock went....I really wanted to have less mud to walk on, and it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon as we had to use some of our savings just to get what we got, and can't afford any more. We ordered crushed concrete this year, because its a lot cheaper than actual rock, and works just fine....when its spread where it needs to be! Oh well, maybe one of these year's, I'll learn to not get my hopes up, that it will be done right, so it goes as far as it needs to.

I managed to do a layout, this morning, trying to keep myself from looking out the window in disgust, as they spread the rock. *giggle* I did the 2nd page of Kali's extended family so it would match the other one I did a week and a half ago.

Kit Credit: HeartStrings Baby Boy kit by Blushbutter

I need to work with getting some more of her photo's scanned this week....so not sure if I will get any more layouts done or not...will depend on if I just "have" to scrap or not, I guess!! LOL I hope everyone has a good week, and enjoy the warm temps, if you are lucky enough to get some of them...we are suppose to have it in the 60's F here a couple days!!!!!! Thanks for your comments!


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Boy, it seems like on every blog read, people are still getting snow! Glad it's not us, as I am SO READY FOR SPRING!!! :D

    Wonderful layout, as usual!


  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    HEy my mom would like u to send this layout to her. How have u been?? i havent talked to u n a while. I seen that wonderful boyfriend of mine on Sunday and he bought me a dozen pink carnations (my fave) for valentines day. they are so pretty. ill email u a pic one of these days. anyway ttyl


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