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Friday, April 18, 2008


Its been raining the past two days...well day and a half so far anyway. LOL It started early yesterday morning, and while its mostly not hard, or even ALL the time, its enough to make it difficult to do anything outside, without getting wet. Its also kinda chilly this morning. DH is over at the neighbors, since he can't be fencing...helping him, and yesterday we did some running around, since it was raining. I had hoped to get some more scrappin done yesterday, but with being gone in the morning, the day disappeared in a hurry, and I didn't get around to it.

However I did manage a couple this morning, before I go do a little cleaning. The first one is our Froggy Haven...our creek. LOL The 2nd one is my DH building fence. He is much slower at it than most people, since he can't work on it ALL day without resting, with his bad knees and back, but at least he does manage to do some when its not raining. Its good that he does what he can, so he gets a little more exercise, as that can help his blood sugar too.

Kit Credit: Vintage Garden by Jean Daugherty Designs The little frog is from my Signs of Spring kit.

Jeans kit is only $2.00 right now, its one of the monthly specials they have so if you like it, better hurry before it goes off sale...least if you want it for that price. :) Jean Daugherty was the CT manager when I was on the CT team at DigiZines, but she has now moved on to designing. I really like her kits!

Not much else going on here. I splurged and bought a couple more African violets yesterday, I haven't bought any for a couple years, and now that I have my plant stand back, I thought I would add more to it. I'm not good with plants, but IF I'm going to manage to keep something alive, usually I can African violets. LOL My Grandmother loved them, and had some as long as I remember, so maybe that's how I manage to keep them. Anyway, I need to get those in different pots and get the kitchen cleaned up...that seems to be a never ending job around here, working on the kitchen. Probably cause if I'm not at my computer, outside, or watching TV with DH I'm doing something in the kitchen. So have a great weekend everyone, and thanks so much for your comments!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I like these LO. I've been waiting to hear the frogs too. Your Dad says he has heard them a little.



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