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Friday, May 30, 2008

Heart stopping smile

We had a short little visit from some of our nieces last night. They had come back to Nebraska for a visit, and stopped by our house, on their way back home. We hadn't seen them since last summer, so it was great to see them again, especially the littlest one, as she has grown so much! I got some photos (of course) and just HAD to scrap a couple layouts with some of them, today, before I go try to finish up some other things.

As soon as she walked into the house, Trista, the 15 month old, looked up at me, and smiled. I know she can't remember me, as its been several months since I saw her, so to get that heart stopping smile really made my day, and it felt like she had walked back into my heart...not just my house. I love my nieces...and nephews, but when I don't see them for a while, I forget how much I guess. LOL I think this one has her Daddy's charm...with that smile, ahhh, if he only knew, he could get away with more when he flashes his dimples at me, than when he doesn't. Course shhhh, I'll never tell!! *giggle*

Isn't that first layout's photo the cutest?!!! She would smile a lot, when I didn't have the camera pointed at her, but as soon as I did, it because elusive. DH managed to get that first photo, which is the BEST of the bunch that we got. I handed him my camera, at first, because he was in a better spot to get some, and I'm sure glad I did, because she turned and looked at him, with that adorable grin, and he as able to make the camera behave, and capture it! I cropped it, and blurred the background some, so she stood out more, and as I do best, kept the layout simple, to let the photo be the main draw.

The 2nd layout, she does have a cute grin on her face too, but she isn't looking right at me, so it wasn't as good a photo of the smile. It was kinda funny, she kept pulling her dress up, and playing with her belly button. So naturally I had to do a layout of that, for one of the funny things kids do. It took me a while to settle on which kit to use, mainly because I kept looking for pink to go with the pink in her dress, and none of them looked right with the photo....but once I decided that blue would maybe be better, I found this paper, and knew right away, I had to use it. I love the finished look of these!

Kit Credit: Blended Collection - Twilight Blends by Misty Cato

I have some more photos to scrap of their visit, but I better wait on those, till I get some things finished up around here. I'm getting so behind on my 2008 photo's, so HOPEFULLY next week, I can do lots more scrappin, and get some of them done...as well as Kali's, and maybe some of my 2006 photo's. We will see how it goes. I want to finish getting my kit, ready and in the store this weekend, as well as doing a few other things, so doubt I'll get much more scrappin done, till next week. I may be another two months between kits, just so I can try to catch up on some more layouts! LOL I do enjoy doing layouts more anyway, so that's probably ok. Course if I get inspired to do another kit, I probably will, I just won't hold my breath.

I hope all of you have a great weekend, and don't have any bad storms come through. We had some bad ones around last night, but thankfully the worst part wasn't right here. Hopefully none of you had bad ones that hit you!! Take Care, and thanks so much for your comments! :)


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    She is so cute. That smile is wonderful.

    The LO is really pretty. The colors are so nice together.


  2. That is a beautiful baby! I've tagged you, Deb. I want lots of people to see what you design.

    Details of tag here:


  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    She *is* adorable!! Love that smile!


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