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Thursday, June 12, 2008


I have always loved those photos where you have several generations together, so have always loved that Uncle Orison took this photo of 4 generations of our family. This is my brother, my Dad, my Grandparents and Kali when she was a baby, the first time her great-grandparents got to see her.

Kit Credit: Easter Basket kit, Box of quilling, and the make a book action ALL by Blushbutter

That little book was made out of one of the papers in the Easter basket kit, and the lace. I used Blushbutter's new action, and then changed the shade of the pages and the shape of the book, making it less square. I love that you can make the book a little different, if you want, and think books are wonderful things for journaling!! She even put a layered gray scale psd file in for those who can't use the actions!!

I feel much better today, thankfully. Not so tired, even though we had a late, disturbed night with the bad storms around. Thankfully the really bad part missed us again, but there was a time we each had a dog in our arms, ready to hit the hole, that goes under the house, it was so bad. I hope you all are safe, and didn't get hit. My heart goes out to the family's of the 4 boys who were killed at the boy scout camp in Iowa, that got hit by a tornado. Also the other family's who have lost their homes in the various tornado's around. There were a LOT of them last night I guess.

I've got some things to do this afternoon, so better get at it, thanks so much for all your comments, and stay safe out there!!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    That's so sad about the boys. :(

    We don't really get tornadoes around here. There was one last fall, about an hour and a half from here, but it was small and only did a little damage... I think it was the first one in 30+ years. (We're in NW Oregon)

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I really like the 4 generation pictures too. They are really nice for scrap booking.

    Glad the storms weren't to bad for you. We got over 2 inches of rain on Thursday. Up near Unionville 2 tornados were sited but they were moving away from us. I guess they were out in some fields so didn't do any damage. Hopefully this weather will settle down soon.



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