More 2008 photo's.
I really love flowers, granted I kill most of them, if I do lots with them, and I need to weed them (poor things) but I still enjoy them when they bloom. The pink rose is my "Kansas" Rose, I have no idea what kind it is, but our first real home after we got married was in Kansas, and there was this big rose bush beside the garage that was always so beautiful in the spring, and you could smell it a mile away...well almost. LOL I just loved it, and the owners let us take some of it with us when we left, they said they had tried to kill it in the past and it didn't die, so they didn't figure us digging some of it up, would hurt anything. Its traveled with us, around the Midwest, to every place we have lived. Hopefully now it will really take off, if we manage to not move around anymore. LOL Thankfully my DH has helped plant it, so I didn't kill it off, with my black thumb.
I just love a hay field. When the grass is tall, its beautiful with the grasses blowing in the breeze, it reminds me of a wave on the lake. Course when its cut into hay, I love it, because the smell of fresh cut hay is wonderful!! And I love to see the freshly mown grass too. Even though I love to see it tall, I can't help but love it when its short too.
Kit Credit for Beautiful Flowers and Hay Field: Spring Romantic bonus by Doreen Stolz I think it was one of the Friday freebie's at digital freebies....I got it there anyway.
I know there are just as beautiful, or even more beautiful sunsets in other states, but I just LOVE the ones we have here in Nebraska. When we lived in Ks, and Mo, we couldn't see the sunsets from our house as well, so that could be why I'm so in love with them here. This is yet another sunset, from out our driveway. Different colors from the one yesterday, but still beautiful! I love that the horizon is shadow, and how you can see the silo silhouetted against the sky.
Of course it seems we have our share of Rainbows here too, and usually they are over DH's shop, least from where I am viewing them from. This time it seemed to be extra wide, and I couldn't get it all in one photo. These photo's didn't turn out as good as I had hoped, but they work, which I guess is all that matters
Kit Credit: Dear Mom by JulieO of Stone Accents It was a freebie on her blog...may still be there, as the last part, was just put up a few days ago. Ever since we started milking our two Kinder goats, DH would lock all three kinder kids into a stall together, away from their mom's, at night. That way, we would get more milk. These two kids, a lot of the time, would look through the pallet, at us, wanting out, when we would go out in the mornings to milk. We thought they were just toooo cute, so had to get a photo, since I had my camera handy!! :)
When I used to milk by hand, the cats would get to clean up the goat stanchion, because I would miss the bucket some of the time. They got to where they would just be waiting for us to move, so they could be the first to get up and get that tasty milk. Now that Galen is using the hand milker, they don't get much, but they still wait, in hopes that they will. This is two of our cats, waiting and hoping they get lucky and get some milk.
Kit Credit for Twins and Want Milk: Secret Garden by Manu
This is Galen using the hand milker, on Sally and Annie, our two kinder goats. You can actually see the stream of milk, in the last photo as it comes out. This is a handy little gadget, because its really saving my hands from hurting as much!! All he does, is stick the teet in the top, and squeeze the trigger a few times to get suction, and then stops once the milk starts. He will have to do it a few times, while he is milking, once the milk stops flowing, but its not like when you milk by hand, and having to squeeze all the time, to get milk to come out. The goats stand for him better with this too. Gotta love that!
This is the rest of the goats eating breakfast. They usually get a little bit of grain, before they head out to the pasture to graze. They LOVE their grain!! LOL Since a couple of the Nanny's had babies, they have been getting to eat separate from the others, which makes it more peaceful, because the nanny you see eating by herself, is called bossy....and she earned that name!! She would try to keep some of the others away from the grain, if she was out with the rest of them. Then there is the billy (the gray and white goat) He is the kinder billy, and he is always off by himself, because he is to interested in the ladies, and runs them around, so we gave him his own pasture.
Kit Credit for EZ Milker and Breakfast: Sweetness of Smell by Manu I think I also used the add on that was free on her blog for the Breakfast layout.
This is the roses I was talking about the other day, that smell so wonderful out in our pasture, yet aren't really good to have around, as they can take over a place. I figured I'd include them in my 2008 book, incase they are harder to find, after the goats get out in the new pasture, and eat them! LOL They are kinda pretty, but the real draw is that sweet, sweet perfume they give off, that you can smell all the way into the house at times, when the windows are open.
This last layout is out in the new goat pasture, along the creek. Its a jungle out there, which the goats are just going to LOVE!!! Maybe if we are lucky, in another week or two, they will be out there. Course they will probably get lost, and we won't see them for days, while they try to eat their way through the jungle.
Kit Credit: Promise Collection by Shabby Princess - Yep, yet another freebie I have gotten. :)
Ok, thats it for today, I'm almost caught up again, with my 2008 photos. Unless there are some on my camera, that I don't remember, I think I only have 4 more layouts to do, to finish up. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to do them this weekend, but I won't hold my breath. Maybe next week, I can actually work on Kali's book, and get several layouts done for that. We will see how it goes.
I do hope you all have a great weekend...its suppose to be rainy here, plus all next week again. Sure hope we don't float away! LOL We had a bad storm come through the area last night, but thankfully the worst part missed us. I do feel for the people who got hit though, cause I know how hard it would be to have to rebuild. Praise God for keeping us safe and dry in our home. :)
Thanks for your comments.
I like all these LO, but particularly "Beautiful Flowers". You know me and purple and lavenders. The pink rose goes so well with it to.
ReplyDeleteGlad the weather wasn't to bad for you last night. We didn't have anything bad but did have over an inch of rain.
Wow! Love that sunset picture! It's gorgeous!!!! Wonderful layouts, as usual!
ReplyDeleteBTW, those kite layouts? Templates. *lol* The multi-photo one is a template I made up a year ago, and the sun one was from Lorene Hill... The splash park layouts were QPs... Maybe one of these days I can do some original layouts again. *rofl*