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Friday, July 11, 2008

I got a couple more layouts done!!

I didn't know if I would take time to do anymore layouts today or not, but I really wanted to, so did. Will do some of my other things as soon as I post this, and hope I have time to finish what I need to finish today. LOL I really need to get so I'm in the mood to scrap in the afternoons, instead of mornings, so I can do other things FIRST! LOL

These two layouts are for Kali's book again. I just love these photos. The first one, Kali was tickling my feet, when we were all at my Mom & Dad's house, and the 2nd photo Kali is imitating me...although I didn't know it at the time the photo was taken, so when I saw it, I had to laugh. She is just SOOOO cute in both of these photos!!

Kit Credit: Mystical by Trish H Designs This is the kit I picked, when she rak'd me, for posting a thank you for a template (I think) on her blog. It was full of my favorite colors, so I just had to pick it. LOL I really enjoyed playing with it, thanks so much Trish!!!

Well I better get off here, without a long ramble again today, I got quite a bit done yesterday, that I wanted to do, even some backup dvd's!! However as usual, I have lots more that I need to do today. So have a great weekend!! Thanks for the comments, I really enjoy reading them here, and through e-mails!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    That's a great kit! Great layouts too! ... I love the folded notebook paper in the bottom one. :D


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