Blush ~n~ Dusty Layout Challenge
I got the new challenge set up on Blush ~n~ Dusty this morning. I could have done it last night...but I was working on classwork and having to much fun to stop. LOL
This month for the challenge we are doing a family tree. I wanted to put a couple in Kali's book, and thought it would make a good challenge, so I thought I would combine the two...this way maybe I'll force myself to get her family tree pages finished...I've been putting them off. *giggle*
The preview to the right shows what I did last night for my creating digital elements class that I'm taking at DSP. We had to make our own styles, and these are what I came up with. I had a lot of fun playing around and was pleased. These are the very first ones I've ever made on my own. Anything else I've saved as a style was done in class, with a tut. The copper I made first, and I had wanted to make a "metal" but was just playing around seeing what I could do when I came up with the streaks that to me looked like metal, so then went on to get the coloring right for copper (I think LOL). The rust I wanted to make too but the other three were just happy accidents that I stumbled across while I was playing. I was in love with styles before, but now I can see falling in love with making them too! :)
Today I have to work on my homework for my path's class, there is a bunch of it for that class this week...but she said this was the hardest week, so maybe if I can manage this weeks lessons I'll be able to manage the three classes I signed up for this month. (Yes three, I know...I'm silly. I don't know how many other things I'll be able to do this month...layouts may be fewer and kit designing...could be non existent! LOL) Anyway I better get this posted so I can get started on my other looks like I could be pulling my hair out today, with the little I looked at it, it looks hard. LOL The pen tool is NOT my friend yet...maybe by the end of this class it will be more so. I hope! :)
I hope everyone has a great week, if you don't hear from me again this week you will know the lesson got the better of me! LOL
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