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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kali's Graduation Weekend - Pt 5 The Graduation


Kali's Graduation day turned out to be a beautiful day. It was cool in the morning, and never got real hot which is how I like it. :)

We got to the school early to make sure we could get a seat up towards the front and I wanted to sit right by the center aisle so I could get photos of her coming and going without having someone in front of me. The time went quickly though, while we were waiting for it to start and I even got some photos before it started of her with different family members. This first photo here is of her walking in with her class as it started.

The ceremony wasn't a long one, as there weren't a lot of kids in her class, but it was interesting.

Basket of flowers

They had a basket of flowers sitting up front and during the ceremony the graduating students took some out to their Moms and Grandmothers. We didn't know exactly what they were going to do so weren't ready to take photos, especially when she gave one to my Mom, since we didn't know she was going to, we weren't ready with the cameras, so the photo my DH got wasn't as good as it could have been. I had the wrong lens on at the time, so was to close to get one at all and didn't even try. I so wish I could have gotten that other lens I was wanting then I wouldn't have had that problem...but I guess I will survive. LOL

Kali's cap got knocked off during the honoring the parents ceremony and once she got back on stage with it she noticed her tassel was missing so had to walk down and get it again, I think she was a little embarrassed about that, but it one of those funny's that will make the memory of graduation that much more interesting in the years to come. We blamed it on my DH though, because at Kali's party he told a story about one of his other nieces walking out of her shoe at her graduation, just to make Kali that much more nervous about what could go wrong...so it's his fault something did. *giggle* Uncles and their teasing ways...gotta love them. LOL


After the graduation ceremony, I managed to get a photo of Kali with the Aunt (above) who couldn't make it to the party at my Mom & Dad's. I was glad I could. We also stopped by her Uncle's house (since he left the graduation before I could snag him) and got a photo of her with him, so I think I got one with her with all her family members least the ones who are closer related. Now to get them scrapped for her book...that could take a little while, depending on how many I end up putting on a page. LOL

The Diploma

All in all it was a good day, and I so loved being able to be there and see her graduate. Some of my photos could have been better...and I missed some I wish I could have gotten, because of having the wrong lens on, but I got enough to add several pages to her book, so I can't complain to much. LOL

Some of what I consider my best photos of the weekend though were of the beautiful north central Missouri scenery, so I'll show a few of them tomorrow before I stop rambling on about that special weekend in Kali's life. I hope you all aren't toooo bored! *giggle*

Here at home it's peony time now, DH brought one of the first to bloom in and put it in a vase in my office (he is a sweetie isn't he! *smile*) this weekend and it's been filling my office with it's sweet smell ever since. I just LOVE the smell of peony's, they rival the lilacs that I adore. When we moved here we also moved some of the peony's we had at our Polk house, since both of us loved them so much, and even bought a few to add to them. For the most part they are still alive, a few died, but we have quite a few bushes still producing those wonderful smelling flowers. The bushes aren't real big yet...but they do get bushier every year, so hopefully one of these years they will be huge like they were in Polk.

My "Kansas" rose is starting to bloom too, I need to go get some more photos of it. I don't know what it's really called, but it is part of a huge bush that was at our first real home after we got married (2nd house, but the 1st one we only lived in for a month after we got married, and we didn't really like it that well) so I call it my Kansas rose. It's moved with us every time we moved since. It only blooms once a year but the flowers smell wonderful too, I remember down in Kansas it would make the yard smell so good when it was blooming...course the bush was way bigger so there were more blooms. Maybe one day it will get that huge here...we can only hope anyway. LOL Anyway I just love flowers, so am enjoying seeing them as they bloom.

It's cooled off nicely here today, it was getting a little warm sleeping, since we haven't turned on the air yet, but last night it was nicer and I'd think tonight wil be too. We are getting a little rain, which should help the grass and plants around here, as long as we don't get a huge amount like my parents did when we were visiting I won't complain. Especially since right around here we could use a little.

I hope everyone's week is going good. I'm hoping tomorrow to start scrapping again...I'm almost done with this other project I was getting ready for my store...so maybe I'll be able to. If not tomorrow hopefully for sure by Thursday! LOL We will see if I can get back into layouts, so I can get Kali's book finished up. :)

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