I'm so mean...
When we moved to our farm, we had to add our kitchen onto the house we moved into, because I didn't like the one they had in it (as I mentioned in my Hillbilly home story). Since we were starting from scratch, with only a little money we pieced my kitchen together with scrounged cabinets, counter tops and sink. Some were found in a dumpster, others were given to us by a Sister-in-law. Needless to say it's not the "pretty" kitchen of my dreams, but it works and for that I've been thankful.
The "Sink" area was my least favorite part of the kitchen, because the cabinet is just a bunch of 2X4's put together to form a base with OSB for the top (which is really HARD to clean) and then the sink placed into that. It worked but wasn't nice to look at, especially with some of the osb showing around the sink.
Earlier this summer, DH found an old porcelain double sink, with a built in drain board on each side. It was on a nice cabinet even, but unfortunately the cabinet was a lot wider than the 2X4 "base" we have in place now, so it couldn't be used. The sink I was determined to have, so at least the counter top area's were all able to be kept looking ok and kept cleaner than I could the OSB. I was also determined to have it before we had to butcher our cow...or deer season got here.
The meanest part is...I KNOW how much DH HATES messing with plumbing. *giggle* However, I knew we couldn't afford to hire someone else to do it, so...I insisted this week it had to be done. No putting it off any longer, we were running out of time.
So yesterday, I mentioned that I wanted to clean the kitchen floor this week for a change, but I didn't want to do that before the sink got put in...as then it would be a mess again. So DH knew his time was up and he couldn't get out of it any longer...so buckled down and did it! Yippee!! I LOVE my new (old) sink!! Love those side boards cause now I don't have to use the drain board that goes with my dish drainer, and it will be so much nicer and cleaner when we butcher! Plus if I don't look down under the sink, it looks so much nicer in the kitchen...even if the counter tops don't match on each side of the sink. *giggle*
Now, I may actually decide I should make a curtain for under the sink. It may look kinda strange but it will look better than having it open like it is now, so you can see the huge MESS that is under there now. We will see how it goes and if I can get around to finding some money to go looking for some material. It doesn't have to be expensive or anything...plain white would work, I just want something that will cover that area and look better.
Someday I hope to be able to actually afford to have nice kitchen cupboards put in...till then this makes me much happier. Thanks Darling Hubby...I know you hate plumbing...and its hard to get down and do it, but I really appreciate the new sink!! :)

It's nice that your DH is handy at things like that. Joe SUCKS at all things home improvement. *lol*