Our Hillbilly Home - The Big Move: part 1
This story is about how we got started with our farm several years ago...I was chatting with a friend one day and talking about how we got our house, and she wanted to see some photos so I decided to write the story for my blog and share photos instead of trying to e-mail a bunch to her. If you missed the first part of this story, you can find the links to all the parts on my links page.
Tuesday November 25th 2003 was a beautiful sunny day...perfect for the big move! We all got up and over to the house early because the movers wanted to get started as soon as possible as it would be a long day to get the house moved a few miles to the west and onto it's new foundation.
Everything was ready with the house, so they started up the truck and pulled the house out onto the drive. They had to stop and trim one of the trees by the drive, but eventually they managed to make it by the trees and they were ready to get on the road...except they had to wait for the electrical company men to show up as they had to go along the route with them to move a few wires to let the house go by. Finally they showed up and the move got underway.
As they pulled out onto the highway I watched and prayed that all would go well and the house wouldn't be damaged to much from the move. I was already in love with it, and the idea that eventually we would be able to live on our farm...far sooner than I had thought possible. :)
It was an awesome sight, seeing it moving down the road, with the semi following it full of tools they might need in the move. My brother (who had come over to see the house moved) and I jumped in the car and took off after it. My Dad and DH was already following, because they were going to follow it all the way home...I had things to do to get ready for Thanksgiving on our farm, so figured I'd wait for it at the farm.
They turned off on a gravel road, just a little ways to the west so they could take back roads to our farm and stay out of the way of the main road traffic. We stopped to get a photo of it going down the gravel, then headed back to our farm to wait for it to show up.
As I worked around in the cabin, doing some early baking for Thanksgiving, I kept an eye out to the south for the house. That red roof makes it easy to spot and with the trees not having leaves we could see the road pretty good...both the one that goes by our farm on the south, AND the one on the west. We were able to watch the house's progress for the last half mile or so as it came from the east and rounded the corner onto the road that goes by our drive.
Two and a half hours after they started on the trip, they were at the end of our driveway ready to do the hardest part (to me and my worried imagination) of moving the house, which was to get it turned and going down our drive. It's hard to see it in the photos...but there is a pretty big drop beside our driveway out by the road, so I was worried about that turn.
Stay tuned for The Big Move: part 2...
...next time on "Our Hillbilly Home".
More will come once I get the photos gathered, and words written...please forgive the fact that I'm clearly NOT a "writer" AND the time it could take for the next part to show up...a day, a week, a month or... God forbid... a year.
Next installment is here.

When they moved our house (we have a manufactured home) to our lot, we were a nervous wreck! *lol* ... But it's a good thing we were there, because they almost put the house on the lot backwards!!!!