Looking Back at 2010
I think that the strangest thing I will remember about this year will be that I got a cow for my birthday...and actually wanted it! LOL Also that cow gave us the first calf born on our farm. How cool is that!!
It's been a harder year in some respects for us, the first part was pretty good, but the last half was challenging with loosing animals and having more repairs than money...if that makes any sense. LOL All in all though, I think we have been blessed.
We started the year out with puppies...totally adorable little bundles of fun. We had goats, a calf, chickens and ducks born here this year.
We enjoyed the beauty that God has surrounded us with, including the butterflies, sunsets, flowers and beautiful green countryside of summer. (Can you tell I'm missing all the green? LOL)
Sadly we also had to say goodbye to to many of our animals...the hardest of course was Rascal, our little (fur) baby boy...my kitchen buddy. We also lost Tractor Buddy (my favorite cat), several goats and far to many of our birds this year. (Darn coyotes)
Things I've enjoyed this year include, learning to make my own homemade soap, lotion bars and salve. I've also enjoyed playing with milk and cream...making butter and cheese, including my first hard cheese with the cheese press my Daddy made me. Next year we will find out how well it turned out. LOL I've enjoyed canning several different foods, thanks in part to generous friends...and my wonderful scroungman Hubby! I also...FINALLY...after many years of trying now and then, learned to knit!! I may still be slow at it, but hey, least I finally wrapped my brain around it and got it figured out!! *giggle* Yippee!!
I think the BEST thing about this year was getting Peaches. Peaches is my goofy girl and brings so much joy! Hopefully she will for many years to come :)
With the year drawing to a close now, it's hard to believe how fast it's flown by. I'm so glad to be here on the farm with the wonderful Man I married, as we usher out the old year...and in the new one.
We've enjoyed visits with (and visiting) family and friends this year, and want to wish all of you (including those of you who visit us through our blogs) a safe and Happy New Year...and hope that next year will be better for us ALL!
Happy New Year!!! :)

That was a nice recap. :) ... Hope 2011 brings you nothing but happiness!