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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Out for a Romp

Out for a Romp

Even with the snow and really cold temps (below 0 F. this morning!), Clover has been going out after breakfast for a romp when one of her two Mom's goes to get a drink. I finally caught it out the front door this morning with my camera. The photos aren't all the best, but that's cause I didn't want to get out in the cold myself to get closer. *giggle*

Out for a Romp

She went racing around the pasture, then came over by the fence to trot up and down it a few times.

Out for a Romp

I have no idea what she was doing here, but she did it more than once...it's like she smelled something, but whatever she was doing it was kinda cute. But then I think I have it bad for babies...they are almost all cute, in their own way. Course I'm sure you have figured out I love our baby animals, since they are what gets featured on my blog the most. LOL

Out for a Romp

It's so good to see her running around, that means she is feeling good...and that is of course something we want to continue. She will be a week old tomorrow!


  1. What do you mean, they aren't good pictures?!?! They are soooo cute! You caught them well. :)


  2. Well if you zoom in on her, there is a bit to much "noise" for my liking. LOL But thanks! :)

  3. Sure looks like she is doing really good. Life is so enjoyable for her, dispite the really cold weather. Just like a human child that loves playing in the snow. LOL


  4. She is just so adorable that it just messes with my head!!!


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