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Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm still here!

Hillbilly Hill

Wow, one post last week, thats a little unusual for me...hopefully I can do better this week. I guess I just get busy and don't get around to posting, or don't feel like posting. I did have a good birthday, got to lounge a little more than usual, so I actually got to read a book (yippee!!). Got surprised with an amazon gift card from a friend (thanks Jenny!) and my dentist called and sang (well played a recording) happy birthday to me. That made me chuckle, and sure surprised me. All in all it was a good day, but over all to quickly. Had to get back to work the next day, as warm weather always has more going on around this hillbilly farm, so won't let me be lazy to long. LOL

After several days of rain, we finally got some sunshine and blue sky here yesterday (and today)! It's beautiful outside, although I'm sure it would be kinda warm today if I were out working (may find out this afternoon, as I need to go do some things outside).

I did however manage to take my camera out and snap a few photos yesterday for a change. Haven't been taking quite as many lately it seems...least it's not been a daily thing. LOL Still haven't gotten together with my DH and had him take one of me, have to do that soon. Seems we are both busy (him usually outside if he isn't resting his back in his office, and me doing things that need done inside) but one of these days soon, hopefully, I can get him to stop long enough to get a photo of me. LOL


I've been kinda surprised these chives came back up this year, because I planted them in our raised beds...that are raised up to waist high, in a metal trough with lots of air flow under them. I didn't think there would be enough dirt, to protect them from the cold temps of winter, so didn't think they would be back. They are though, and are blooming up a storm. Makes me wonder if I could put some other herbs that are suppose to come back every year, in the raised beds, so they don't take over and spread to much somewhere else, and have them survive the winters. May have to try that sometime.

I ordered some more soap making supplies a week or so ago, and got a lot of them today!! Been having fun checking out the new fragrances I got, some of which were just samples of some I wanted to try, that they (MMS) were kind enough to send to me for free with my order. I asked for 5 to try...and three of them are going on my wish list now, to get more of so I can use them in soap. :)

I also had to order more lye. I'd gotten 8 pounds of lye, when I first started soaping, and when I got it, thought that would last me forever!! *giggle* Hmmm didn't know forever was only a year (or less)! Who knew I'd use up (almost) that 8 pounds of lye in that short amount of time. I got 20 pounds this time, plus 10 pounds of the "other" lye, for making liquid soap, as I'm wanting to study up on that so hopefully sometime this year (or next depending on time) I can learn how to make my own liquid soap. Oh, if I ONLY had more time for everything!!

Well I better get going, need to get some things done, so hopefully I can get outside to work on a project I'm needing to do out there. Hope everyone is safe, after the weekend storms. Thankfully they didn't come to close to us, or my parents in Missouri, but not everyone was so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you had a nice birthday. You deserve it. :)

    We have friends in Joplin, and the tornado passed a block away from their house. They are safe, thank goodness, but their taxi business was destroyed. I don't know how much is insured (and I guess they didn't own the building)... I'm just glad they are OK. I had Joe call them as soon as I heard Joplin was hit. :(



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